Author Name | Affiliation | FENG Zi-ming | School of Energy Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute Technology,Harbin 150001,China | HAN Wan-jin | School of Energy Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute Technology,Harbin 150001,China | ZHONG Jing-jun | School of Energy Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute Technology,Harbin 150001,China | YAN Hong-ming | School of Energy Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute Technology,Harbin 150001,China |
Abstract: |
Tests and numerical simulations of super-critical adjust stage blade were carried out and the effect of bowed blade on flow characteristics and the secondary flow were analyzed. The simulation and test results show that the adjust stage blade with aft-loading and big front-edge radius has good flow characteristics by meridian shrink. The numerical studies were carried out with software of NUMECA in order to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of adjust stage blades,which include prototype blade(tested blade) ,positive curved blade (15°) and negative curved blade(-15°) . The simulation results show that the positive curved blade forms a negative static pressure gradient in the lower region of the cascade along the blade height and a positive static pressure gradient in the upper region. This leads to the reduction of the streamwise vortices intensity and the aerodynamic load on both sides of the blade and the endwall. Therefore,the crosswise secondary flow losses of endwall can be decreased considerably. |
Key words: adjust stage curved blade numerical simulation experimental investigation |
DOI:10.11916/j.issn.1005-9113.2010.02.010 |
Clc Number:TK262 |
Fund: |