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Supervised by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of The People's Republic of China Sponsored by Harbin Institute of Technology Editor-in-chief Yu Zhou ISSNISSN 1005-9113 CNCN 23-1378/T

Related citation:Hongliang Li,Yushu Chen.Analysis on Nonlinear Dynamic Properties of Dual-Rotor System[J].Journal of Harbin Institute Of Technology(New Series),2015,22(5):46-54.DOI:10.11916/j.issn.1005-9113.2015.05.008.
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Analysis on Nonlinear Dynamic Properties of Dual-Rotor System
Author NameAffiliation
Hongliang Li School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
Yushu Chen School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
In order to clarify the effects of support structure on a dual-rotor machine, a dynamic model is established which takes into consideration the contact force of ball bearing and the cubic stiffness of elastic support. Bearing clearance, Hertz contact between the ball and race and the varying compliance effect are included in the model of ball bearing. The system response is obtained through numerical integration method, and the vibration due to the periodic change of bearing stiffness is investigated. The motions of periodic, quasi-periodic and even chaotic are found when bearing clearance is used as control parameter to simulate the response of rotor system. The results reveal two typical routes to chaos: quasi-periodic bifurcation and intermittent bifurcation. Large cubic stiffness of elastic support may cause jump and hysteresis phenomena in resonance curve when rotors run at the critical-speed region. The modeling results acquired by numerical simulation will contribute to understanding and controlling of the nonlinear behaviors of the dual-rotor system.
Key words:  dual-rotor system  ball bearing  elastic support  nonlinear dynamics  bifurcation  chaos
Clc Number:TB123