引用本文: | 郑植,张哲人,张睿,朱孟花,徐亚东.黄色生长态LiInSe2晶体组分调控与生长坩埚材质选择[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2025,57(2):73.DOI:10.11918/202310019 |
| ZHENG Zhi,ZHANG Zheren,ZHANG Rui,ZHU Menghua,XU Yadong.Composition regulation of yellow growing LiInSe2 crystal and material selection of growing crucible[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2025,57(2):73.DOI:10.11918/202310019 |
摘要: |
LiInSe2(LIS)晶体是一种可以在室温下使用的直接型热中子探测用半导体材料,为此,提出采用垂直布里奇曼法生长LiInSe2晶体,通过对合料工艺及生长用坩埚材质的优化,成功制备出红色以及黄色生长态LiInSe2晶体,并对晶体的结构特征、元素相对摩尔分数、光学特性以及宏观夹杂相开展了研究。结果表明:通过改进的低温合料技术,并额外添加3%(质量分数)的Li以及0.002 7 mol的Se可以稳定获得组分可控的黄色LiInSe2多晶料;同时发现利用石墨坩埚并且引入合适的坩埚加速旋转技术 (ACRT) 可以得到高质量的中子探测用LiInSe2晶体;利用透过光谱计算得到不同方法生长的黄色晶体的光学禁带宽度接近,约为2.8 eV;生长得到的黄色晶体中夹杂相的尺寸为5~10 μm,密度约为3.50×103/cm2。 |
关键词: LiInSe2 黄色生长态 组分调控 晶体生长 坩埚材质 |
DOI:10.11918/202310019 |
分类号:O782 |
文献标识码:A |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(62104194);凝固技术国家重点实验室基金(2022-TS-07);中广核工程有限公司核电安全技术与装备全国重点实验室基金(K-A2021.418) |
Composition regulation of yellow growing LiInSe2 crystal and material selection of growing crucible |
ZHENG Zhi1,2,ZHANG Zheren2,ZHANG Rui1,ZHU Menghua1,2,XU Yadong2
(1.State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power Safety Technology and Equipment(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd.,), Shenzhen 518172, Guangdong, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing (Northwestern Polytechnical University), Xi′an 710072, China)
Abstract: |
LiInSe2 crystal is a semiconductor material used for thermal neutron detection at room temperature. In the paper, red and yellow LiInSe2 crystals are successfully synthesized via the vertical Bridgman method after optimization of the synthesis process and the crucible material used. The crystal structural characteristics, relative content of elements, optical properties and macroscopic inclusion phase of the yellow crystals are studied. According to the results, the yellow LiInSe2 polycrystalline material with controllable composition can be stably obtained by improving synthesis process and adding 3% of Li and 0.002 7 mol of Se as additional components. Meanwhile, it is found that utilizing a graphite crucible and implementing appropriate crucible rotation techniques, such as accelerated crucible rotation technique (ACRT), enables the production of high-quality LiInSe2 crystals for neutron detection. Calculated by the transmission spectrum, the optical bandgap widths of the yellow crystals grown by different methods are approximately 2.8 eV. The density of the precipitates in the middle section of the yellow growing crystal is 3.50×103/cm2, and the size of the inclusion phase is about 510 μm. |
Key words: LiInSe2 yellow growth state composition control crystal growth crucible material |