2. 重庆邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院, 重庆 400065
2. School of Communication and Information Engineering, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China
1 系统模型及其特性 1.1 分数阶系统模型增广Lü系统[12]状态方程为
$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {\dot x = - (bc/(b + c))x - yz + d,}\\ {\dot y = by + xz,}\\ {\dot z = cz + xy.} \end{array}} \right. $ | (1) |
$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{D^q}x = - ax - 10yz,}\\ {{D^q}y = bx + xz,}\\ {{D^q}z = cz - 8xy + {y^2}.} \end{array}} \right. $ | (2) |
固定参数a=2,b=1,c=-0.78,取q=0.98,其最大Lyapunov指数(MAXLE)为1.065 96.利用预估-校正数值计算方法[13],结合matlab软件,得到系统的仿真相图.初始值为[2, 1, 1]、[5, 1, 1]和[6, 1, 1]时,分别得到两个孤立的双翼混沌吸引子和一个四翼混沌吸引子,其x-y面和y-z面如图 1所示.其中,图 1(a)和(b)中的蓝色部分为初始值[2, 1, 1]诱发的双翼混沌吸引子,红色部分为初始值[5, 1, 1]诱发的四翼混沌吸引子.
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图 1 q=0.98时系统的相 Fig. 1 Phase diagram of the system at q=0.98 |
取q=0.83,其MAXLE为1.494 3.初始值为[2, 1, 1]、[5, 2, 1]和[11, 1, 1]时,分别得到双翼、三翼和四翼混沌吸引子,其x-y面和y-z面如图 2所示.
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图 2 q=0.83时系统的相 Fig. 2 Phase diagram of the system at q=0.83 |
1.2 平衡点及其稳定性参数不变,令系统(2)方程式的左边等于0,即
$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {0 = - 2x - 10yz,}\\ {0 = y + xz,}\\ {0 = - 0.78z - 8xy + {y^2}.} \end{array}} \right. $ | (3) |
求得平衡点,如表 1所示.
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表 1 系统的平衡点 Tab. 1 Equilibrium points of the system |
$ \mathit{\boldsymbol{J}} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} { - 2}&{ - 10\hat z}&{ - 10\hat y}\\ {\hat z}&1&{\hat x}\\ { - 8\hat y}&{2\hat y - 8\hat x}&{ - 0.78} \end{array}} \right]. $ |
$ f\left( \lambda \right) = {\lambda ^3} + {A_2}{\lambda ^2} + {A_1}\lambda + {A_0}. $ | (4) |
$ {A_2} = 1.78, $ |
$ {A_1} = 8{{\hat x}^2} + 10{{\hat z}^2} - 80{{\hat y}^2} - 2\hat x\hat y - 1.22, $ |
$ {A_0} = 16{{\hat x}^2} + 80{{\hat y}^2} + 7.8{{\hat z}^2} + 20{{\hat y}^2}\hat z - 4\hat x\hat y - 160\hat x\hat y\hat z - 1.56. $ |
若平衡点稳定,其特征值满足Re[λ] < 0.依据Routh-Hurwitz判据,当且仅当A2>0,A0>0,A2A1-A0>0时,平衡点稳定[14-15].求得每个平衡点所对应的特征值及平衡点的稳定性如表 2所示.
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表 2 系统的平衡点稳定性 Tab. 2 Stability of equilibrium points of systems |
表 2表明,平衡点S1是第一类鞍点,S0,S2,S3和S4是第二类鞍点.混沌吸引子的环围绕第二类鞍点产生,第一类鞍点起到连接环的作用[16-17].
$ \left| {\arg \left( \lambda \right)} \right| < 0.5{\rm{ \mathit{ π} }}q. $ | (5) |
$ q > \frac{2}{{\rm{ \mathit{ π} }}}\left| {\arg \left( \lambda \right)} \right|. $ | (6) |
由此,a=2,b=1,c=-0.78时,可得分数阶系统(2)存在混沌吸引子的必要条件,即q>0.822 4.
1.3 时序图参数不变,取q=0.83, 初始值为[5, 2, 1],得到相应的时序图,如图 3(a)所示,从图中能直观地看出系统的混沌行为.
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图 3 系统的基本动力学分析 Fig. 3 Basic dynamics analysis of the system |
系统阶数的变化会改变平衡点的稳定性, 引起系统状态的变化.参数不变,选择阶数q为控制变量.采用Adams-Bashforth-Moulton数值算法的改进版本[19],初始值为[5, 2, 1]时,得到系统变量z随系统阶数q变化的最大Lyapunov指数谱和分岔图,如图 3(b)和图 3(c)所示.最大Lyapunov指数谱和分岔图可以比较直观地反映非线性动力学系统随阶数变化的动态特性.当最大Lyapunov指数>0的时候,系统处于混沌状态.由图 3(c)可知,当q∈ [0.5,0.819]时,系统处于周期状态;当q∈(0.819,1]时,系统处于混沌状态.q从0.5向1增加的过程中,结合图 3(c)可知,系统通向混沌的道路为倍周期分岔道路,进一步验证了q对系统具有较大影响.
2 系统的电路仿真参数不变,取初始值为[5, 2, 1],根据文献[20],当q=0.83时,分数阶算子逼近
$ H\left( s \right) = \frac{{3.1869\left( {s + 0.1981} \right)(s + 5.181)(s + 87.72)}}{{(s + 0.01324)(s + 0.299)(s + 6.792)(s + 153.8)}}. $ | (7) |
文献[19]中的分数阶等效串并联RC模块电路单元如图 4所示.
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图 4 分数阶算子的等效电路模块 Fig. 4 Equivalent circuit module of the fractional order operator |
其中Ra=44.310 6 MΩ,Rb=1.307 8 MΩ,Rc=0.085 4 MΩ,Rd=0.005 9 MΩ,Ca=1.709 7 μF,Cb=2.215 7 μF,Cc=1.298 μF,Cd=0.724 5 μF.
采用线性电阻、电容、LM2924N型运算放大器、MULTIPLIER模拟乘法器,其中乘法器的输出增益为1,从而设计出了系统的模拟电子电路,如图 5所示.运算放大器U1A相当于加法器,其输出端电压为vU1A=-(R3/R2)x-(R3/R1)yz,U2A相当于积分器,利用分数阶算子单元模块,得到
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图 5 系统的电路原理 Fig. 5 Circuit schematic diagram of the system |
$ {D^{0.83}}x = {v_{{\rm{U1A}}}} = - \left( {{R_3}/{R_2}} \right)x - \left( {{R_3}/{R_1}} \right)yz, $ | (8) |
$ {D^{0.83}}x = {v_{{\rm{U}}4{\rm{A}}}} = \left( {{R_9}/{R_7}} \right)xz + \left( {{R_9}/{R_8}} \right)y, $ | (9) |
$ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{D^{0.83}}x = {v_{{\rm{U}}6{\rm{A}}}} = - \left( {{R_{14}}/{R_{13}}} \right)z - \left( {{R_{14}}/{R_{12}}} \right)xy + }\\ {\left( {{R_{14}}/{R_{11}}} \right){y^2}.} \end{array} $ | (10) |
根据式(2)中的系数,a=2,b=1,c=-0.78,令R1=100 Ω,R2=500 Ω,R3=R7=R8=R9=1 kΩ,R5=R6=R16=R17=10 kΩ,R4=R10=R15=100 kΩ,R11=R14=1.56 kΩ,R12=195 Ω,R13=2 kΩ,Ra1=Ra2=Ra3=44.310 6 MΩ,Rb1=Rb2=Rb3=1.307 8 MΩ,Rc1=Rc2=Rc3=0.085 4 MΩ,Rd1=Rd2=Rd3=0.005 9 MΩ,Ca1=Ca2=Ca3=1.709 7 μF,Cb1=Cb2=Cb3=2.215 7 μF,Cc1=Cc2=Cc3=1.298 μF,Cd1=Cd2=Cd3=0.724 5 μF.
图 6为示波器上观察到的结果,可以看出实验结果与数值仿真结果完全相符,进一步验证了系统的混沌行为.
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图 6 电路实验结果 Fig. 6 Experimental results of the circuit |
$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{D^{\rm{q}}}{x_1} = - a{x_1} - 10{x_2}{x_3},}\\ {{D^{\rm{q}}}{x_2} = b{x_2} + {x_1}{x_3},}\\ {{D^{\rm{q}}}{x_3} = c{x_3} - 8{x_1}{x_2} + x_2^2.} \end{array}} \right. $ | (11) |
$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{D^{\rm{q}}}{y_1} = - a{y_1} - 10{y_2}{y_3} + {u_1},}\\ {{D^{\rm{q}}}{y_2} = b{y_2} + {y_1}{y_3} + {u_2},}\\ {{D^{\rm{q}}}{y_3} = c{y_3} - 8{y_1}{y_2} + y_2^2 + {u_3}.} \end{array}} \right. $ | (12) |
令驱动系统(11)和响应系统(12)的同步误差为ei=yi-xi(i=1, 2, 3),则同步误差系统为
$ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} {D^{\rm{q}}}{e_1} = - a{e_1} - 10{e_2}{e_3} - 10{e_2}{x_3} - \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;10{e_3}{x_2} + {u_1},\\ {D^{\rm{q}}}{e_2} = b{e_2} + {e_1}{e_3} + {e_1}{x_3} + \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{e_3}{x_1} + {u_2},\\ {D^{\rm{q}}}{e_3} = c{e_3} - 8\left( {{e_1}{x_2} + {e_2}{x_1} + {e_1}{e_2}} \right) + \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;e_2^2 + 2{e_2}{x_2} + {u_3}. \end{array} \right. $ | (13) |
$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{e_{\rm{a}}}(t) = a - \tilde a(t),}\\ {{e_{\rm{b}}}(t) = b - \tilde b(t),}\\ {{e_{\rm{c}}}(t) = c - \tilde c(t).} \end{array}} \right. $ | (14) |
$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{a}}}(t) = - {D^{\rm{q}}}\tilde a(t),}\\ {{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{b}}}(t) = - {D^{\rm{q}}}\tilde b(t),}\\ {{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{c}}}(t) = - {D^{\rm{q}}}\tilde c(t).} \end{array}} \right. $ | (15) |
$ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} {u_1} = \tilde a\left( t \right){e_1} + 18{e_3}{x_2} + 17{e_2}{x_3} + \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;9{e_2}{x_3} - {k_1}{e_1},\\ {u_2} = - \tilde b\left( t \right){e_2} + 7{e_3}{x_1} - {e_2}{e_3} - \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;2{e_3}{x_2} - {k_2}{e_2},\\ {u_3} = - \tilde c\left( t \right){e_3} - {k_3}{e_3}. \end{array} \right. $ | (16) |
式中k1, k2, k3为正的增益常数.
$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{D^{\rm{q}}}\tilde a\left( t \right) = {\lambda _1}\left( { - e_1^2 + {e_{\rm{a}}}} \right),}\\ {{D^{\rm{q}}}\tilde b\left( t \right) = {\lambda _2}\left( {e_2^2 + {e_{\rm{b}}}} \right),}\\ {{D^{\rm{q}}}\tilde c\left( t \right) = {\lambda _3}\left( {e_3^2 + {e_{\rm{c}}}} \right).} \end{array}} \right. $ | (17) |
式中λ1, λ2, λ3为正的增益常数.
引理1 对于分数阶系统
定理1 在自适应控制器(16)和参数更新定律(17)的作用下,同步误差系统(13)渐近稳定.
证明 构造J函数如下:
$ J = \mathit{\boldsymbol{eP}}{D^{\rm{q}}}e = \left[ {e,{e_{\rm{a}}},{e_{\rm{b}}},{e_{\rm{c}}}} \right]\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}{\left[ {{D^{\rm{q}}}e,{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{a}}},{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{b}}},{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{c}}}} \right]^{\rm{T}}} $ |
其中,e为同步误差,ea, eb, ec为参数估计误差,P为实对称正定矩阵,选择正定矩阵P=diag(1, 1, 1, 1/λ1, 1/λ2, 1/λ3),λ1, λ2, λ3为特征值.
$ \begin{array}{l} J = \left[ {e,{e_{\rm{a}}},{e_{\rm{b}}},{e_{\rm{c}}}} \right]\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}{\left[ {{D^{\rm{q}}}e,{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{a}}},{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{b}}},{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{c}}}} \right]^{\rm{T}}} = \\ \;\;\;\;\;{e_1}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_1} + {e_2}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_2} + {e_3}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_3} + \left( {1/{\lambda _1}} \right){e_{\rm{a}}}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{a}}} + \\ \;\;\;\;\;\left( {1/{\lambda _2}} \right){e_{\rm{b}}}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{b}}} + \left( {1/{\lambda _3}} \right){e_{\rm{c}}}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{c}}} = \\ \;\;\;\;\; - ae_1^2 - 10{e_1}{e_2}{e_3} - 10{e_1}{e_2}{x_3} - 10{e_1}{e_3}{x_2} + \tilde a\left( t \right)e_1^2 - \\ \;\;\;\;\;{k_1}e_1^2 + 17{e_1}{e_2}{e_3} + 9{e_1}{e_2}{x_3} + 18{e_1}{e_3}{x_3} + be_2^2 + \\ \;\;\;\;\;{e_1}{e_2}{e_3} + {e_1}{e_2}{x_3} + {e_2}{e_3}{x_1} - \tilde b\left( t \right)e_2^2 - {e_2}{e_3}{x_1} + \\ \;\;\;\;\;8{e_2}{e_3}{x_1} - e_2^2{e_3} - 2{e_2}{e_3}{x_2} - {k_2}e_2^2 - ce_3^2 - \\ \;\;\;\;\;8{e_1}{e_2}{e_3} - 8{e_1}{e_3}{x_2} - 8{e_2}{e_3}{x_1} + e_2^2{e_3} + \\ \;\;\;\;\;2{e_2}{x_2}{e_3} - \tilde c\left( t \right)e_3^2 - {k_3}e_3^2 + \\ \;\;\;\;\;\left( {1/{\lambda _1}} \right){e_{\rm{a}}}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{a}}} + \left( {1/{\lambda _2}} \right){e_{\rm{b}}}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{b}}} + \left( {1/{\lambda _3}} \right){e_{\rm{c}}}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{c}}} = \\ \;\;\;\;\; - {e_{\rm{a}}}e_1^2 - {k_1}e_1^2 + {e_{\rm{b}}}e_2^2 - {k_2}e_2^2 + {e_{\rm{c}}}e_3^2 - {k_3}e_3^2 + \\ \;\;\;\;\;\left( {1/{\lambda _1}} \right){e_{\rm{a}}}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{a}}} + \left( {1/{\lambda _2}} \right){e_{\rm{b}}}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{b}}} + \left( {1/{\lambda _3}} \right){e_{\rm{c}}}{D^{\rm{q}}}{e_{\rm{c}}} = \\ \;\;\;\;\; - {k_1}e_1^2 - {k_2}e_2^2 - {k_3}e_3^2 - e_a^2 - e_b^2 - e_c^2. \end{array} $ |
采用四阶Runge-Kutta算法,仿真步长为0.001.取q=0.83,a=2,b=1,c=-7.8,k1=k2=k3=20, λ1=λ2=λ3=20.x1(0)=1,x2(0)=2, x3(0)=3作为驱动系统(11)的初始条件;y1(0)=2, y2(0)=3, y3(0)=4作为响应系统(12)的初始条件;
图 7描述了驱动系统(11)和响应系统(12)的同步误差e1, e2, e3和对系统未知参数的识别.结果表明响应系统与驱动系统在0.2 s内达到同步,在0.2 s内完成对未知参数
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图 7 同步误差和未知参数收敛曲线 Fig. 7 Convergence curves of synchronization errors and unknown parameters |
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