Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology  2017, Vol. 24 Issue (6): 80-89  DOI: 10.11916/j.issn.1005-9113.16068


Hengzhou Xu, Baoming Bai, Feng Dan, Cheng Sun. On the Girth of Tanner (5, 7) Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2017, 24(6): 80-89. DOI: 10.11916/j.issn.1005-9113.16068.


Sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61372074 and 91438101) and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2015AA01A709)

Corresponding author

Baoming Bai, E-mail:

Article history

Received: 2016-03-15
On the Girth of Tanner (5, 7) Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes
Hengzhou Xu, Baoming Bai, Feng Dan, Cheng Sun     
State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Networks, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China
Abstract: The girth plays an important role in the design of LDPC codes. In order to determine the girth of Tanner (5, 7) quasi-cyclic (QC) LDPC codes with length 7p for p being a prime with the form 35m+1, the cycles of lengths 4, 6, 8, and 10 are analyzed. Then these cycles are classified into sixteen categories, each of which can be expressed as an ordered block sequence, or a certain type. It is also shown that the existence of these cycles is equal to polynomial equations over Fp who has a 35th unit root. We check if these polynomial equations have a 35th unit root and obtain the girth values of Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes.
Key words: LDPC codes     quasi-cyclic     Tanner graph     girth    
1 Introduction

LDPC codes, proposed by Gallager[1], are a class of linear codes which can approach Shannon capacity[2]. Later, Tanner[3]presented a bipartite graph, known as Tanner graph, to represent an LDPC code. From the graph theory perspective, the iterative process of the decoding algorithms[4] based on belief propagation for LDPC codes, which results in good decoding performance and has low decoding complexity, can be intuitively understood. But short cycles, especially cycles with length 4, seriously degrade the iterative decoding performance of an LDPC code. For the shortest cycles, their length is called the girth. In the iterative decoding, the exact LLRs can be obtained in the first g/2 iterations, where g is the girth value[5]. That is, girth plays an important role in the design of LDPC codes. Research results show that LDPC codes with large girth, small number of short cycles, and no harmful trapping set perform very well[6]. Structured LDPC codes whose girth is at least six are generally constructed based on algebraic structures, such as finite field[7], partial geometry[8]. Furthermore, LDPC codes with larger girth (more than 8) are also proposed in Refs. [9-17]. Moreover, with regard to circulant permutation matrices (CPMs) based (γ, ρ)-regular QC LDPC codes[18], Fossorier showed that the girth of such codes is at most 12. So to design such (γ, ρ)-regular QC LDPC codes with girth 12 (or to prove the girth of such codes is 12) is an interesting problem.

A QC LDPC code is defined by the null space of sparse matrix H that consists of CPMs and zero matrices of the same size. If each column or row of H has constant number of nonzero elements, denoted by γ, ρ, respectively, the QC LDPC code is (γ, ρ)-regular. Tanner[19] proposed a kind of (γ, ρ)-regular QC LDPC codes and we call them Tanner (γ, ρ) QC LDPC codes for short here. According to Ref.[18], it can be seen that the girth of Tanner (γ, ρ) QC LDPC codes is not more than 12. It is also shown in Ref.[18] that as the size of CPMs increases, the girth of Tanner(γ, ρ) QC LDPC codes can be up to 12. For Tanner (3, 5) QC LDPC codes with length 5p for p being a prime with the form 15m+1, Kim et al.[20] had determined their girth. For Tanner (3, 7) QC LDPC codes with length 7p for p being a prime with the form 21m+1, the girth was obtained by Gholami[21]. As a matter of fact, they classified short cycles in Tanner (3, 5) and (3, 7) QC LDPC codes into several equivalent classes, respectively, and presented the existence conditions for the cycles whose lengths are less than 10, namely, a series of polynomial equations over Fp which have a 15th or 21th unit roots. Finally, by checking the existence of solutions for these polynomial equations, the girth values were obtained.

In this paper, the cycles of Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes with length 7p for p being a prime with the form 35m+1, are first classified and then the equivalent relation is defined. Based on the equivalent relation, the cycles of lengths 4, 6, 8, and 10 are classified into sixteen equivalent classes. Thereinto, the cycles of lengths 4 and 6 have only one equivalent class, the cycles of lengths 8 and 10 have five and nine classes, respectively. On the basis of these sixteen equivalent classes, the sufficient and necessary existence conditions of short cycles in Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes are proposed. According to these conditions, polynomial equations over Fp which have a 35th unit root can be derived. Applying the Euclidean division algorithm to these equations over Fp and (x35-1) (or its simplified form), all remainder polynomials can be also obtained. Unlike Refs.[20] and [21], we check if all the remainder polynomials over Fp are equal to zero, not just the last remainder polynomial, since all the remainder polynomials possibly equal zero over Fp and result in candidate girth values. But there are 1 826 polynomial equations, which are about 7.2 times larger than those of Tanner (3, 7) QC LDPC codes[21]. Moreover, in order to check if the remainder polynomials over Fp equal zero, we need to factor the coefficients of the remainder polynomials. Considering all needed calculation, this is a huge amount of work. Therefore, we do it with the aid of computer. For convenience, all cases and the candidate girth values are recorded in tables, just like those given in Refs. [20] and [21]. By following the candidate girth values obtained in each equivalent class, we obtain the girths of Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes.

2 Cycles in Tanner (5, 7) Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes

A (γ, ρ)-regular QC LDPC code with length is defined by the null space of the following matrix:

$ \boldsymbol{H} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\boldsymbol{I}\left( {{p_{0,0}}} \right)}&{\boldsymbol{I}\left( {{p_{0,1}}} \right)}& \cdots &{\boldsymbol{I}\left( {{p_{0,\rho - 1}}} \right)} \\ {\boldsymbol{I}\left( {{p_{1,0}}} \right)}&{\boldsymbol{I}\left( {{p_{1,0}}} \right)}& \cdots &{\boldsymbol{I}\left( {{p_{1,\rho - 1}}} \right)} \\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\vdots \\ {\boldsymbol{I}\left( {{p_{\gamma - 1,0}}} \right)}&{\boldsymbol{I}\left( {{p_{\gamma - 1,1}}} \right)}& \cdots &{\boldsymbol{I}\left( {{p_{\gamma - 1,\rho - 1}}} \right)} \end{array}} \right] $ (1)

where, for 0 ≤ iγ -1, 0≤ jρ-1, I(pi, j) represents a CPM of size p×p and pi, j is the shift value. In the CPM I(pi, j), the single element "1" is at the ((r + pi, j) mod p)th column and rth row and the elements at the remaining positions are "0". Obviously, I(0) is the p×p identity matrix. As another example, if p=3, then

$ \boldsymbol{I}\left( 2 \right) = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} 0&1&0 \\ 0&0&1 \\ 1&0&0 \end{array}} \right] $

Fossorier[18] represented a cycle of length 2i, denoted by 2i-cycle for short, in H as an ordered block sequence:

$ \begin{gathered} ({j_0},{l_0});{\rm{ }}({j_1},{l_1});{\rm{ }}({j_2},{l_2}); \cdots ;{\rm{ }}({j_k},{l_k});{\rm{ }} \cdots ;{\rm{ }}({j_i}_{ - 1}, \hfill \\ \;\;\;{l_i}_{ - 1});{\rm{ }}\left( {{j_0},{l_0}} \right) \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $

This cycle can be also denoted by type (j0, j1, …, jk, …, ji-1) for brevity. Clearly, jk does not equal jk+1, lk does not equal lk+1. The block (jk, lk) represents the jkth column and lkth row CPM I(jk, lk) and semicolon between (jk, lk) and (jk+1, lk+1) represents the column-jk+1 and row-lk CPM I(jk+1, lk). Furthermore, the sufficient and necessary existence condition of a 2i-cycle in H was also presented by Fossorier:

$ \sum\limits_{k = 0}^{i - 1} {\left( {{p_{{j_k},{l_k}}} - {p_{{j_{k + 1}},{l_k}}}} \right)} = 0\left( {\bmod \;p} \right) $ (2)

We specify the shift value pi, j= αρi+γj in H, where α is a primitive 35th unit root of Fp. Here we focus on γ=5 and ρ=7, then a Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC code with length 7p can be given by the null space of the following matrix:

$ \boldsymbol{H} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{\alpha ^0}}&{{\alpha ^5}}&{{\alpha ^{10}}}&{{\alpha ^{15}}}&{{\alpha ^{20}}}&{{\alpha ^{25}}}&{{\alpha ^{30}}}\\ {{\alpha ^7}}&{{\alpha ^{12}}}&{{\alpha ^{17}}}&{{\alpha ^{22}}}&{{\alpha ^{27}}}&{{\alpha ^{32}}}&{{\alpha ^2}}\\ {{\alpha ^{14}}}&{{\alpha ^{19}}}&{{\alpha ^{24}}}&{{\alpha ^{29}}}&{{\alpha ^{34}}}&{{\alpha ^4}}&{{\alpha ^9}}\\ {{\alpha ^{21}}}&{{\alpha ^{26}}}&{{\alpha ^{31}}}&\alpha &{{\alpha ^6}}&{{\alpha ^{11}}}&{{\alpha ^{16}}}\\ {{\alpha ^{28}}}&{{\alpha ^{33}}}&{{\alpha ^3}}&{{\alpha ^8}}&{{\alpha ^{13}}}&{{\alpha ^{18}}}&{{\alpha ^{23}}} \end{array}} \right] $

where p≡1 (mod 35) is a prime. That is, p belongs to {71, 211, 281, 421, 491, 631, …}. This set is denoted by P35.

According to Eq.(1), the sufficient and necessary existence condition of a 2i-cycle in H, whose type is (j0, j1, …, jk, …, ji-1) in Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes, is given by

$ \sum\limits_{k = 0}^{i - 1} {\left( {{\alpha ^{7{j_k}}} - {\alpha ^{7{j_{k + 1}}}}} \right)} {\alpha ^{5{l_k}}} = 0\left( {\bmod \;p} \right) $

with j0 = ji, jkjk+1, and lklk+1. According to Ref. [22], the above equation is called basic equation in the remaining paper. Notice that we assume that l0=0. In order to classify cycles in H into block sequences, same as defined in Ref.[22], we give the equivalent relation of cycles in Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes as the following.

Definition 1   Type (j0, j1, j2, …, ji-1) is equivalent to type (k0, k1, k2, …, ki-1) in Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes if one of the following conditions holds:

1) There exists some c∈{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} such that ks=js + c(mod 5), for all s.

2) There exists some c∈{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} such that ks=js×c(mod 5), for all s.

3) There is some c∈{0, 1, 2, …, i-1} s.t. ks=js+c for all s.

4) There is some c∈{0, 1, 2, …, i-1} s.t. ks= ji-1-s+c for all s.

We can easily find all such types (j0, j1, j2, …, ji-1) of 2i-cycles in Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes, where 0≤jk≤ 4, jkjk+1, and jij0 for 0≤ki-1. On the basis of the above equivalent relation, we partition all types of cycles with lengths not more than 10 in Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes into the following sixteen equivalent classes:

1) 4-cycles: There is only one class (0, 1) for all 4-cycles.

2) 6-cycles: There is only one class (0, 1, 2) for all 6-cycles.

3) 8-cycles: There are five equivalent classes, i.e., (0, 1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0, 2), (0, 1, 0, 4), (0, 1, 2, 3), and (0, 1, 3, 2) for all 8-cycles.

4) 10-cycles: There are nine equivalent classes, i.e., (0, 1, 2, 3, 4), (0, 1, 2, 4, 3), (0, 1, 3, 2, 4), (0, 1, 4, 2, 3), (0, 1, 0, 2, 3), (0, 1, 0, 2, 4), (0, 1, 0, 3, 4), (0, 1, 2, 0, 1), and (0, 1, 3, 0, 1) for all 10-cycles.

Based on these sixteen equivalent classes and (2), we can obtain the specific basic equations. We assume, for convenience, that t=l1-l0(mod 7), u=l2 -l1 (mod 7), v = l3 -l2 (mod 7), and w = l4-l3 (mod 7). It is clear that t, u, v, and w belong to {±1, ±2, ±3}. Now, what we are going to do is to check if these basic equations over Fp have solutions, and then candidate girth values g can be obtained.

2.1 4-cycles

Under the equivalent relation in Definition 1, all 4-cycles belong to the unique class (0, 1) which corresponds to the block sequence: (0, 0); (1, 0); (1, t); (0, t), and t is not equal to 0. According to the values of these blocks, the basic equation can be given as:

$ \sum\limits_{k = 0}^1 {\left( {{\alpha ^{7{j_k}}} - {\alpha ^{7{j_{k + 1}}}}} \right)} {\alpha ^{5{l_k}}} = \left( {1 - {\alpha ^7}} \right)\left( {1 - {\alpha ^{5t}}} \right) = 0\left( {\bmod \;p} \right) $

Because α is a primitive 35th unit root, then α7≠ 1, α5t ≠ 1, where -3 ≤t≤3 and t≠ 0. Therefore, the above equation is not satisfied and there is no 4-cycle in Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes.

2.2 6-cycles

All 6-cycles belong to the unique class (0, 1, 2) which corresponds to the block sequence: (0, 0); (1, 0); (1, t); (2, t); (2;t+u); (0, t+u), (t+u) (mod 7)is not equal to 0. The basic equation can be written as:

$ \sum\limits_{k = 0}^2 {\left( {{\alpha ^{7{j_k}}} - {\alpha ^{7{j_{k + 1}}}}} \right)} {\alpha ^{5{l_k}}} = \left( {1 - {\alpha ^7}} \right)\left( 1 + {\alpha ^{5t + 7}} - \right. \\ \left.\ {\alpha ^{5\left( {t + u} \right)}} - {\alpha ^{5\left( {t + u} \right) + 7}} \right) = 0\left( {\bmod \;p} \right) $

Since α7≠ 1, the basic equation can be modified as:

$ \left( {1 + {\alpha ^{5t + 7}} - {\alpha ^{5\left( {t + u} \right)}} - {\alpha ^{5\left( {t + u} \right) + 7}}} \right) = 0\left( {\bmod \;p} \right) $ (3)

As mentioned in Ref.[21], this modified form of the basic equation is called modified basic equation. In this case, Eq.(3) is the modified basic equation. So, there is a 6-cycle in Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes if and only if Eq.(3) is satisfied. For different values of t and u, we can obtain various modified basic equations. Consider t to be a variable, we can use t to express the values of u. If t+u=0 (mod 7), these cases are called invalid cases, and the other cases are valid cases, such as defined in Ref.[21]. We list all cases of (t, u) and the corresponding modified basic equations in Table 1. Thereinto, the cases, labeled by "×", are invalid. We check the existence of the solution for Eq.(3) in each valid case as follows.

Table 1 All cases of (t, u) and modified basic equations

2.2.1 Case (t, t)

According to Table 1, the modified basic equation is 1+α5t+7-α10t-α10t+7. Set x=α5t+7. For 0≤i≤35, we can obtain the values of xi, listed in Table 2. Then the modified basic equation becomes 1+x-x16 -x30. Since x35-1 can be factorized as:

Table 2 Representation of xi

$ \begin{array}{c} {x^{35}} - 1 = \left( {x - 1} \right)({x^4} + {\rm{ }}{x^3} + {\rm{ }}{x^2} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1)({x^6} + \\ {\rm{ }}{x^5} + {\rm{ }}{x^4} + {\rm{ }}{x^3} + {\rm{ }}{x^2} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1){\rm{ }}(1 - x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}\\ {x^5} - {x^6} + {\rm{ }}{x^7} - {x^8} + {\rm{ }}{x^{10}} - {x^{11}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{12}} - \\ {x^{13}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{14}} - {x^{16}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{17}} - {x^{18}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{19}} - {x^{23}} + \\ {\rm{ }}{x^{24}}) \end{array} $

and x is a primitive 35th root of unity of Fp, we have

$ \begin{array}{l} 1 - x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}{x^5} - {x^6} + {\rm{ }}{x^7} - {x^8} + {\rm{ }}{x^{10}} - {x^{11}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{12}} - {x^{13}} + \\ {x^{14}} - {x^{16}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{17}} - {x^{18}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{19}} - {x^{23}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{24}} = 0{\rm{ }}\left( \bmod \;p \right) \end{array} $ (4)

The modified basic equation 1+x-x16-x30 can be factorized as

$ \begin{array}{l} 1{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}x - {\rm{ }}{x^{16}} - {\rm{ }}{x^{30}} = {\rm{ }}\left( {1 - {\rm{ }}x} \right)({x^2} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1)({x^4}\\ + {x^3} + {\rm{ }}{x^2} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1){\rm{ }}\left( {{x^{15}} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1} \right){\rm{ }}({x^8} - {x^7} + {\rm{ }}{x^5} - \\ {x^4} + x^3 - x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1) \end{array} $

It is easy to check that 1-x ≠ 0 (mod p), x2 + x + 1≠ 0 (mod p), x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1≠ 0 (mod p), and x8 -x7 + x5-x4 + x3-x + 1 ≠ 0 (mod p). There are many polynomials like these, such as x2 + 1, x3+ x2 + x + 1, …. We can directly eliminate these factors from modified basic equations, since they are not equal to zero in Fp. The eliminated form of modified basic equation is called reduced form. Here the reduced form is x15+ x + 1. By applying the Euclidean division algorithm to x15+ x + 1 and Eq.(4), the remainder polynomials are x14 -x13 + x12 -x11 + x7 -x6 + 1, x11 -x8 + x6, -x10 + x8 -x6 + 1, x9-x8 -x7 + x6 + x, -x8 + x2 + x + 1, x7 + x6 + x3 + x-1, -x6 -x4 -x3 + x + 2, x5 -x2 + 1, -x4 -2x3 + 2x + 2, 4x3 + x2 -2x-3, -(1/16) x2 + (3/8)x + 11/16, 192x + 272, 71/2 304.

It is clear that the remainder 71/2 304 equals zero in F71. When pP35\{71}, the remainder polynomials cannot be equal to zero in Fp. So the basic equation has no solution in Fp, pP35\{71}.

2.2.2 Case (t, 2t)

According to Tables 1 and 2, the modified basic equation 1+α5t+7-α15t-α15t+7 can be written as 1 + x -x10-x31. This equation can be factorized as:

$ \begin{array}{l} 1{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} - {\rm{ }}{x^{10}} - {\rm{ }}{x^{31}} = {\rm{ }}\left( {1{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}x} \right)\left( {1{\rm{ }} - {\rm{ }}x} \right)({x^4} + \\ {x^3} + {\rm{ }}{x^2} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1)({x^4} - {\rm{ }}{x^3} + {\rm{ }}{x^2} - \\ x + {\rm{ }}1)\left( {{x^{21}} + {x^{11}} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1} \right) \end{array} $

We can see that the reduced form is x21 + x11 + x +1. By applying the Euclidean division algorithm to x21 + x11 + x + 1 and Eq.(4), the remainder polynomials are

$ \begin{array}{c} {x^{19}} - {\rm{ }}{x^{18}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{17}} - {\rm{ }}{x^{16}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{12}} - {\rm{ }}{x^{11}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{10}} - {\rm{ }}{x^8} + \\ {x^7} - {\rm{ }}{x^6} + {\rm{ }}{x^5} - {\rm{ }}{x^4} + {\rm{ }}{x^2} - {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1\\ {x^{17}} - {\rm{ }}{x^{14}} + {x^{10}} + {\rm{ }}{x^5} - {\rm{ }}{x^4} + {\rm{ }}1\\ - {x^{15}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{14}} - {\rm{ }}{x^8} + {\rm{ }}{x^6} - {\rm{ }}{x^5}\\ - {x^9} - {\rm{ }}{x^4} + {\rm{ }}1\\ - {x^8} - {\rm{ }}{x^5} + {\rm{ }}{x^4} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} - {\rm{ }}1\\ {x^6} - {\rm{ }}{x^5} - {\rm{ }}{x^4} - {\rm{ }}{x^2} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1\\ - 4{x^5} - {\rm{ }}2{x^4} + {\rm{ }}4x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1\\ - \left( {1/4} \right){x^4} - {\rm{ }}\left( {1/4} \right)x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}5/8\\ 4{x^2} - 4x{\rm{ }} - {\rm{ }}4\\ - x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1/8, - 71/16 \end{array} $

Obviously, if p=71, then the remainder -71/16 is equal to zero in F71. When pP35\{71}, -71/16 cannot equal zero in Fp. Then the basic equation has no solution in Fp, pP35 apart from p = 71.

2.2.3 Case (t, 3t)

Under Tables 1 and 2, the modified basic equation 1+α5t+7-α20t-α20t+7 can be modified as 1 + x -x11-x25. This equation can be factorized as:

$ \begin{array}{l} 1{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} - {\rm{ }}{x^{11}} - {\rm{ }}{x^{25}} = {\rm{ }}\left( {1{\rm{ }} - {\rm{ }}x} \right)({x^4} + {\rm{ }}{x^3} + {\rm{ }}{x^2}\\ + x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1){\rm{ }}\left( {{x^{20}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{15}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{10}} + {\rm{ }}{x^6} + {\rm{ }}{x^5} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1} \right) \end{array} $

It is clear that the reduced form is x20+ x15+x10+ x6 + x5+ x + 1. By applying the Euclidean division algorithm to x20+x15+x10+x6 + x5+ x + 1 and Eq.(4), the remainder polynomials are x17-x16+ x12-x11+ x7-x6+ x3-x + 1, x16 + x11 + x6 -x3 + x, x4 -x2 + 1, -2x3 + x2 + 2x -2, (1/4)x2-(1/2)x + 1/2, 4.

Since all remainder polynomials are not equal to zero in Fp, pP35, the basic equation has no solution in Fp.

2.2.4 Case (t, -2t)

With Tables 1 and 2, the modified basic equation 1+α5t+7-α-5t-α-5t+7 can be modified as 1+x-x6-x20. This equation can be factorized as:

$ \begin{array}{l} 1{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} - {\rm{ }}{x^6} - {\rm{ }}{x^{20}} = {\rm{ }}\left( {1{\rm{ }} - {\rm{ }}x} \right)({x^4} + {\rm{ }}{x^3} + {\rm{ }}{x^2} + \\ x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1){\rm{ }}\left( {{x^{15}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{10}} + {\rm{ }}{x^5} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1} \right) \end{array} $

Obviously, the reduced form is x15+x10+x5+x+ 1. By applying the Euclidean division algorithm to x15+ x10+ x5+ x + 1 and Eq.(4), the remainder polynomials are x5 -x3+ 1, -3x4+ 3x3-x2+ 3x -1, -(1/3)x3 + (2/3)x2 + (2/3)x + 2/3, -13x2 -9x -7, (38/169)x + 31/169, -11 999/1 444 (=(71×132)/1 444).

We can see that the remainder -11 999/1 444 equals zero in F71. When pP35\{71}, the remainders cannot equal zero in Fp, pP35\{71}. So the basic equation has no solution in Fp, pP35\{71}.

2.2.5 Case (t, -3t)

Based on Tables 1 and 2, the modified basic equation 1+α5t+7-α-10t-α-10t+7 becomes polynomial equation in x, i.e., 1 + x -x5-x26. This equation can be factorized as:

$ \begin{array}{l} 1{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} - {\rm{ }}{x^5} - {\rm{ }}{x^{26}} = {\rm{ }}\left( {1{\rm{ }} - {\rm{ }}x} \right){\rm{ }}\left( {1{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}x} \right){\rm{ }}({x^4} + {\rm{ }}{x^3} + \\ {x^2} + {\rm{ }}x{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}1){\rm{ }}({x^{20}} - {\rm{ }}{x^{19}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{18}} - {\rm{ }}{x^{17}} + {\rm{ }}{x^{16}} + \\ {x^{10}} - {\rm{ }}{x^9} + {\rm{ }}{x^8} - {\rm{ }}{x^7} + {\rm{ }}{x^6} + {\rm{ }}1) \end{array} $

It is obvious that the reduced form is x20-x19 + x18 -x17+ x16+ x10 -x9 + x8 -x7+ x6 + 1. By applying the Euclidean division algorithm to x20-x19 + x18 -x17+ x16+ x10 -x9 + x8 -x7+ x6 + 1 and Eq.(4), the remainder polynomials are

$ \begin{array}{c} {x^{17}} - {x^{16}} + {x^{12}} - {x^{11}} + {x^{10}} - {x^9} + {x^7} - {x^6} + \\ {x^5} - {x^4} + {x^2} - x + 1\\ {x^{16}} - {x^{15}} + {x^{14}} - 2{x^{13}} + 2{x^{12}} - {x^{11}} + {x^{10}} - \\ {x^8} + {x^7} + {x^4} - 2{x^3} + {x^2} - x + 1 - \\ {x^{15}} + 2{x^{14}} - 2{x^{13}} + 2{x^{12}} - 2{x^{11}} + {x^{10}} - {x^8} + \\ {x^7} - {x^6} + {x^4} - {x^3} + 2{x^2} - 2x + 1\\ {x^{14}} - 2{x^{13}} + 2{x^{12}} - 2{x^{11}} + 2{x^{10}} - {x^9} - {x^8} + \\ {x^7} - {x^6} + {x^5} + {x^4} - {x^3} + {x^2} - 2x + 2\\ - {x^9} + {x^5} + 1\\ {x^8} - {x^7} + 2{x^6} - {x^5} - {x^4} + {x^3} - {x^2} + x - 1\\ {x^7} + {x^6} - {x^5}\\ 5{x^6} - 3{x^5} - {x^4} + {x^3} - {x^2} + x - 1\\ (4/25){x^5} + (3/25){x^4} - (3/25){x^3} + (3/25){x^2} - \\ (3/25)x + 8/25\\ (125/16){x^4} - (125/16){x^3} + (125/16){x^2} - \\ (225/16)x + 25/2\\ (16/125){x^2} + (16/125)x - 16/125\\ ( - 975/16)x + 175/4\\ 1\;136/38\;025( = 71 \times {2^4}/38\;025) \end{array} $

It is easy to know that the remainder 1 136/38 025 equals zero in F71. When pP35\{71}, then 1 136/38 025 cannot equal zero in Fp. So the basic equation has no solution in Fp, pP35 apart from p=71.

By following the conclusion drawn in Section 2.1, it can be also concluded that Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC code with length 497(=71×7) has girth 6, and that Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes with length 7p have girth at least 8, pP35\{71}.

2.3 8-cycles

All 8-cycles can be partitioned into five equivalent classes. As mentioned in Sections 2.1 and 2.2, by applying the Euclidean algorithm to the reduced form of basic equation and Eq.(4), we check the existence of the solutions for the basic equation, and obtain the candidate girth values g. To save space, all equivalent classes of 8-cycles and their corresponding modified basic equations are tabulated in Table 3 and the candidate girth values g are recorded in Table 4.

Table 3 All equivalent classes of 8-cycles and their modified basic equations

Table 4 All cases (t, u, v) and candidate girth values

Note that all cases of (t, u, v) are listed in Table 4, and the cases, labeled by "×", are invalid (t+u+v=0 (mod 7)). By eliminating those polynomials which do not equal zero in Fp, pP35, the reduced forms of the modified basic equations are obtained (Here we omit to record them). After applying the Euclidean algorithm to the reduced forms of basic equations and Eq.(4), we check if there exist the remainder polynomials which are equal to zero in Fp, and obtain the candidate girth values g, as listed in Table 4. Since the equivalent class (0, 1, 0, 1) has no candidate girth value, then we do not record it in Table 4. And its valid cases (t, u, v), as listed in Table 4, are the same as the other four equivalent classes. Based on the conclusions in Sections 2.1 and 2.2, we can see from Table 4 that Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes with length 7p have girth 8, pG8, where G8 = {211, 281, 421, 491, 631, 701, 911, 1 051, 2 311, 4 271, 5 531, 7 211, 237 301, 354 551}.

2.4 10-cycles

All 10-cycles are divided into nine equivalent classes. For each equivalent class, its corresponding modified basic equation is tabulated in Table 5. And all cases of (t, u, v, w) and the corresponding candidate girth values g are recorded in Table 6.

Table 5 All equivalent classes of 10-cycles and their modified basic equations

Table 6 All cases (t, u, v, w) and associated candidate girth values

Notice that just like the aforementioned, we list all cases of (t, u, v, w) in Table 6, where "×" stands for invalid cases (t + u + v + w = 0 (mod 7)). By eliminating those polynomials over Fp, which is not equal to zero, we can get the reduced forms of the modified basic equations. By applying the Euclidean algorithm to the reduced forms and Eq. (4), we check if there exists the remainder polynomial over Fp which is equal to zero, and obtain the candidate girth values g, tabulated in Table 6. Based on the conclusions drawn in Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, we can see from Table 6 that Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes with length 7p have girth 10, pG10, where G10 = {1 471, 2 381, 2 521, 2 591, 2 731, 2 801, 3 011, 3 221, 3 361, 3 571, 3 851, 4 201, 4 481, 4 621, 4 691, 4 831, 5 741, 5 881, 6 091, 6 301, 6 581, 7 001, 7 351, 7 561, 7 841, 8 191, 8 681, 8 821, 9 241, 9 311, 9 521, 9 871, 9 941, 10 151, 10 501, 10 711, 10 781, 11 131, 11 411, 11 621, 11 831, 11 971, 12 041, 12 251, 12 391, 12 601, 12 671, 13 441, 13 931, 14 071, 14 771, 15 121, 15 541, 16 381, 16 451, 16 661, 16 871, 17 011, 17 291, 17 431, 17 921, 18 061, 18 131, 18 481, 18 691, 19 181, 19 391, 19 531, 20 161, 20 231, 20 441, 21 001, 21 211, 21 491, 21 701, 21 911, 22 051, 22 751, 24 151, 24 781, 25 411, 26 111, 26 251, 28 001, 28 771, 30 661, 30 871, 30 941, 32 971, 33 181, 33 461, 33 811, 34 231, 34 511, 35 141, 36 541, 37 871, 38 011, 39 551, 39 761, 42 491, 43 261, 43 331, 44 171, 45 361, 46 831, 47 041, 47 741, 47 881, 48 371, 50 051, 51 521, 52 361, 54 881, 55 511, 55 721, 57 751, 59 221, 63 841, 65 101, 66 571, 66 851, 67 061, 67 271, 71 191, 74 761, 75 181, 76 231, 79 801, 85 751, 97 441, 98 491, 104 021, 109 831, 110 321, 110 951, 112 771, 118 861, 122 921, 125 231, 126 211, 127 261, 128 591, 130 621, 134 401, 137 131, 141 961, 147 211, 152 041, 154 981, 159 671, 162 821, 164 431, 185 221, 192 431, 203 911, 204 331, 207 061, 217 351, 242 621, 262 781, 273 001, 274 471, 278 741, 280 351, 285 251, 296 731, 299 671, 301 841, 318 641, 325 921, 333 691, 343 141, 343 561, 348 461, 349 931, 361 901, 370 441, 374 291, 385 631, 393 961, 403 621, 423 431, 435 401, 437 501, 440 651, 441 421, 443 591, 446 881, 453 461, 495 461, 522 061, 532 421, 557 831, 589 471, 687 541, 704 761, 718 271, 763 771, 766 501, 829 151, 837 271, 845 951, 867 371, 898 661, 920 641, 1 022 141, 1 180 901, 1 197 281, 1 239 421, 1 253 071, 1 388 381, 1 542 031, 1 634 011, 1 747 271, 1 773 241, 2 102 171, 2 153 551, 2 318 471, 2 691 011, 3 338 441, 3 439 801, 4 567 151, 4 649 261, 8 553 581, 9 268 631, 23 632 351, 27 136 621}.

3 Conclusions

In this paper, we analyzed the cycles of Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes and divided the cycles of lengths 4, 6, 8, and 10 into sixteen equivalent classes. Based on these equivalent classes, we presented the basic equations over Fp, pP35, which have a primitive 35th unit root, and checked these equations have solutions. Then candidate girth values are derived. By summarizing the candidate girth values of all equivalent classes, the girth g of Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes with length 7p for p being a prime with the form 35m+1 is obtained. That is, Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes has girth 6 if p=71, the girth is 8 if pG8 (See Section 2.3), the girth is 10 if pG10 (See Section 2.4), and 12 otherwise. In other words, when p takes values in {6 791, 9 661, 11 551, 13 721, 14 281, 14 561, …}, Tanner (5, 7) QC LDPC codes with length 7p have girth 12.

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