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Supervised by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of The People's Republic of China Sponsored by Harbin Institute of Technology Editor-in-chief Yu Zhou ISSNISSN 1005-9113 CNCN 23-1378/T

Related citation:ZHANG Li-jia,CUI Nai-gang.Angles-only relative navigation in highly elliptical orbits[J].Journal of Harbin Institute Of Technology(New Series),2010,17(4):575-577.DOI:10.11916/j.issn.1005-9113.2010.04.026.
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Angles-only relative navigation in highly elliptical orbits
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Li-jia Dept. of Astronautics Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China 
CUI Nai-gang Dept. of Astronautics Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China 
For angles-only relative navigation system only measures line-of-sight information,there are inherent problems in the ability to determine the range between Chaser and Target. Angles-only relative navigation is an attractive alternative for inspecting or rendezvous with noncooperative target,if adequate accuracy can be achieved. Angles-only relative navigation model considering J2 perturbation is presented for tracking and rendezvous with noncooperative target in highly elliptical orbit. Impulsive out-of-plane maneuvers of the Chaser are used to improve the navigation accuracy. The first impulse burns in cross-track directions to change the orbit inclination of the Chaser. The second impulse burns after one orbit period to change the orbit of the Chaser back. The simulation results show that the relative navigation system without maneuvers can’t correct the initial state errors,while impulsive out-ofplane maneuvers of the Chaser improves the navigation accuracy. Angles-only relative navigation with chaser vehicle maneuvers to improve observability is effective when the spacecrafts are in highly elliptical orbits.
Key words:  spacecraft  relative navigation  noncooperative target  elliptical orbit  Kalman filtering
Clc Number:U666.1