Author Name | Affiliation | A. Saboktakin | Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran | M. Shahrouz | Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran | T. Vu-Khanh | Department of Mechanical Engineering, cole de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, Que., Canada | J. Bicerano | Bicerano & Associates Consulting, Savannah, Georgia, USA |
Abstract: |
Damage assessments in three dimensional (3D) textile composites subjected to mechanical loading can be performed by non-destructive and destructive techniques. This paper applies the two techniques to investigate the fracture behavior of 3D tufted textile composites. X-ray computed tomography as a non-destructive evaluation method is appropriate to detect damage locations and identify their progression in 3D textile composites. Destructive methods such as sectioning toward observing damage provide valuable information about damage patterns. The results of this research could be utilized to evaluate the initial cause of rupture in 3D tufted composites used in aerospace structures and analyze fracture modes and damage progression. |
Key words: X-ray computed tomography damage characterization 3D composite textile preform |
DOI:10.11916/j.issn.1005-9113.18126 |
Clc Number:V19 |
Fund: |
Descriptions in Chinese: |
三维簇绒斜纹纺织航空航天构件复合材料的X射线计算机体层成像技术表征 A. Saboktakin1* M. Shahrouz1, T. Vu-Khanh2 and Bicerano3 (1. 锡斯坦-俾路支斯坦大学 机械工程系,扎黑丹市,伊朗; 2. 高等技术学院 机械工程系,魁北克 蒙特利尔,加拿大; 3. Bicerano联合咨询公司,佐治亚 萨凡纳,美国) 中文说明:承受机械载荷的三维纺织复合材料的损伤评估可通过非破坏性和破坏性技术实现。本文应用两种技术来研究三维簇绒织物的断裂行为。X射线计算机体层成像是一种适用于检测三维纺织复合材料的损伤位置、识别损伤进展的非破坏性评估方法。通过切面来观察损伤的破坏性评估方法也提供重要的损伤模式信息。本文研究结果可用于航空航天构件三维簇绒织物复合材料断裂的初始原因评估、及其损伤模式和进展的分析。 关键词:X射线计算机体层成像;损伤表征;三维复合材料;纺织预制件 |