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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

CAO Wei-wei,ZHU Bo,CAI Xun,ZHAO Wei,WANG Cheng-guo.Influence of surface desizing treatment on the infrared emissivity of carbon felt[J].Materials Science and Technology,2011,19(4):112-116,121.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20110423.
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曹伟伟1,2, 朱波3, 蔡珣4, 赵伟3, 王成国3
为优化碳素纤维电热体红外辐射性能,测定了碳素纤维毡表面除杂处理前后的法向光谱发射率和法向总发射率,利用X射线衍射和拉曼光谱进行样品的物相结构分析,研究了表面除杂处理过程物相结构变化与碳素纤维毡法向光谱发射率和总发射率的关系.结果表明:采用硝酸液相除杂和空气瞬时高温2种方式处理时,碳素纤维毡的法向光谱发射率均出现一定的波长依赖性,在2 500~5 000 nm和6 500~13 000 nm波段的光谱发射率降低,而在5 000~6 500 nm波段光谱发射率相对稳定;硝酸液相除杂和空气瞬时高温除杂方式均使碳素纤维毡的法向总发射率有所降低;惰性气氛下的瞬时高温处理可使碳素纤维毡获得较为稳定的法向光谱发射率和相对较高的总发射率.
关键词:  表面除杂  碳素纤维毡  发射率
Influence of surface desizing treatment on the infrared emissivity of carbon felt
CAO Wei-wei1,2, ZHU Bo3, CAI Xun4, ZHAO Wei3, WANG Cheng-guo3
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300160,China;2.Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Composites,Ministry of Education,Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300160,China;3.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Shandong University,Jinan 250061,China;4.School of Computer Science and Technology,Shandong University,Jinan 250101,China
To optimize the infrared radiation property of carbon fiber electric heater,the normal spectral emissivity and normal total emissivity of carbon felts were measured before and after surface desizing treatment,the phase structure analysis for felt samples were carried out by using XRD and LRS,and the relationship between the normal spectral emissivity and normal total emissivity of carbon felts and the change of phase structure was studied.The results show that the wavelength dependence of normal spectral emissivity was caused by the instant high temperature method in oxygen and nitric acid liquid phase treatment for carbon felt,the spectral emissivity decreased in the ranges of 2500~5000 nm and 6500~13000 nm,and the spectral emissivity was stable in the range of 5000~6500 nm.The normal total emissivity of carbon felt decreased by the instant high temperature method in oxygen and nitric acid liquid phase treatment,but the stable normal spectral emissivity and higher total emissivity of carbon felt can be obtained by the instant high temperature method in nitrogen.
Key words:  surface desizing  carbon felt  emissivity