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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

HUANG Xiao yan,NI Wen,WANG Zhong jie,QIAN Jia wei,ZHU Li ping.Experimental study on autoclaved aerated concrete made from coppertailings without using lime as calcareous materials[J].Materials Science and Technology,2012,20(1):11-15.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20120103.
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黄晓燕, 倪文, 王中杰, 钱嘉伟, 祝丽萍
为了在综合利用固体废弃物的同时减少煅烧石灰所带来的CO2排放,采用铜尾矿-矿渣-水泥熟料-风积砂原料体系制备压加气混凝土,以富钙、镁的铜尾矿和矿渣代替传统加气混凝土所需的石灰.具体研究了各原料组份对加气混凝土物理力学性能的影响,得到B06级铜尾矿加气混凝土的优化配合比为:铜尾矿、矿渣、风积砂、水泥熟料、石膏的质量分数分别为30%、35%、20%、10%、5%.所制备的B06级蒸压加气混凝土的绝干密度为610.2 kg·m-3,抗压强度为4.0 MPa,达到了《蒸压加气混凝土砌块》(GB 11968—2006 )规定的A3.5、B06级加气混凝土合格品的要求.物相分析显示,所制备的加气混凝土中主要结晶相是板状的托贝莫来石、硬石膏、残留的石英以及来自原始铜尾矿中的残留矿物.
关键词:  铜尾矿  加气混凝土  配合比  抗压强度
分类号:TU522. 3
Experimental study on autoclaved aerated concrete made from coppertailings without using lime as calcareous materials
HUANG Xiao yan, NI Wen, WANG Zhong jie, QIAN Jia wei, ZHU Li ping
State Key Laboratory of High-Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mines Ministry of Education, University science and technology Beijing,Beijing 10083,China
Copper tailings,blast furnace slag,eolian sand,a small amount of clinker and gypsum were used as raw materials to prepare autoclaved aerated concrete(AAC).Lime was substituted by Ca and Mg rich copper tailings and blast furnace slag to reduce the CO2 emission brought by limestone calcinations.This study focused on the effect of different component of raw materials on the physical and mechanical properties of AAC.The optimal proportion of major raw materials for a B06 grade AAC is as follows:copper tailings 30%,blast furnace slag 35%,eolian sand 20%,clinker 10% and gypsum 5%.The prepared AAC sample has bulk density of 610.2 kg·m-3 and compressive strength of 4.0 MPa,which can reach the requirements of A3.5,B06 level of AAC product regulated by “autoclaved aerated concrete block” GB 11968—2006.Microstructure analyses show that the main crystalline phases in the AAC sample are tobermorite,anhydrite,residual quartz and residual minerals from copper tailings.
Key words:  copper tailings  autoclaved aerated concrete  mixing proportion  compressive strength