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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

LI Ying,NI Wen,CHEN De-ping,WANG Zhong-jie,ZHANG Bin.A primary investigation on preparing of a new structural material from iron and steel slags for high-strength artificial reefs[J].Materials Science and Technology,2013,21(1):73-78.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20130113.
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(北京科技大学 金属矿山高效开采与安全教育部重点实验室,北京 100083)
关键词:  钢渣  矿渣  胶凝材料  高强混凝土  人工鱼礁
A primary investigation on preparing of a new structural material from iron and steel slags for high-strength artificial reefs
LI Ying,NI Wen,CHEN De-ping,WANG Zhong-jie,ZHANG Bin
(Key Laboratory of High-Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mines(Ministry of Education of China),University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)
A cementitious material of iron slag-steel slag-clinker-gypsum system was prepared and the effect of grinding time of steel slag and mixing ratio of iron slag to steel slag on the strength was investigated.A linear regression was used to get the strength change trend of cementitious material,XRD and SEM were used to analyze the grinding process of steel slag and the hydration process of the cementitious material net slurry.The results showed that with the ratio of iron slag :steel slag= 7∶1,and when 10% cement clinker and 10% gypsum of Flue Gas Desulfurization Waste(FGDW) were mixed with 80% iron and steel slags powder,the mixed cementitious material had an optimized strength.The optimized specific surface area are 550m2/kg and 480m2/kg for steel slag and iron slag powder respectively.The ordinary portland cement can be totally substituted by such a mixed cementitious material with iron and steel slags as its major components in preparing the concrete for building high-strength artificial reefs.A concrete with a compressive strength over 60MPa can be prepared by using such a mixture as a cementitious material and steel slag grains as its fine and coarse aggregates which have been stabilized by a hot-simmering method.The total usage of cement clinker can be as low as 2% in weight in the final high strength artificial reef concrete.The results show that a moderate grinding process can improve the reaction property of the steel slag.A proper mixing ratio of steel slag powder into the system is helpful to the hydration process.
Key words:  iron and steel slags  cementitious material  high-strength concrete  artificial reefs