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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

引用本文:顾玉芬,邵玲,石玗,黄健康.铝-镀锌钢板异种金属Pulsed DE-MIG熔钎焊方法研究[J].材料科学与工艺,2014,22(4):118-123.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20140421.
GU Yufen,SHAO Ling,SHI Yu,HUANG Jiankang.Pulsed DE-MIG brazing-welding method of aluminum-galvanized steel dissimilar metals[J].Materials Science and Technology,2014,22(4):118-123.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20140421.
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铝-镀锌钢板异种金属Pulsed DE-MIG熔钎焊方法研究
(兰州理工大学 省部共建有色金属先进加工与再利用国家重点试验室,兰州 730050)
为精确控制焊接热输入,从而控制铝钢异种金属界面区金属间化合物生长,提出一种新型高效低热输入的脉冲旁路耦合电弧MIG焊(Pulsed DE-MIG)方法,用ER5356铝合金焊丝在镀锌钢板上利用平板堆焊实验对工艺参数进行优化.在焊丝总电流保持不变,不同的Pulsed DE-MIG焊接参数下焊接,结果表明随着旁路电流的增大,焊缝宽度显著变小,且焊缝堆高明显变高.采用OM、SEM、EDS等测试手段观察和分析连接界面区的微观组织,发现在连接界面区形成Fe2Al5、FeAl3金属间化合物层,且母材热输入大时,FeAl3析出得多,随着母材热输入的减小,FeAl3析出逐步减少直至FeAl3无析出.
关键词:  脉冲旁路耦合电弧MIG焊(Pulsed DE-MIG)  铝-镀锌钢板异种金属焊接  母材热输入  金属间化合物
Pulsed DE-MIG brazing-welding method of aluminum-galvanized steel dissimilar metals
GU Yufen,SHAO Ling,SHI Yu,HUANG Jiankang
(State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Non-ferrous Metal, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050,China)
A new, high efficiency and low heat input method of Pulsed DE-MIG was put forward to control welding heat input precisely and growth of intermetallic compounds in interface of aluminum-steel. Pulsed DE-MIG process parameters were optimized by plate welding of aluminum alloy welding wire ER5356 welded on galvanized steel. The total current of welding wire remained constant, and Pulsed DE-MIG of aluminum-galvanized steel dissimilar metals was carried out at different Pulsed DE-MIG welding parameters. It indicated that the weld seam width decreased significantly but bead height increased obviously when bypass current increased gradually. OM, SEM and EDS were adopted to observe and characterize the interface microstructures of the joints. Two intermetallic compounds layers of Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 formed along the interface. When the heat input of base metal was large, many FeAl3 precipicated, and when the heat input of base metal was decreased gradually, the amount of FeAl3 decreased until without FeAl3.
Key words:  Pulsed DE-MIG  welding of aluminum-galvanized steel dissimilar metals  heat input of base metal  intermetallic compounds