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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

YANG Pengao,ZHANG Hongbo,YIN Jian,YANG Shuanglei.Effects of heat treatment on wear behavior of carbon/carbon-copper composites under electrical current[J].Materials Science and Technology,2015,23(5):38-42.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20150507.
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(粉末冶金国家重点实验室(中南大学),长沙 410083)
为探明炭/炭(C/C)多孔体热处理对炭/炭-铜(C/C-Cu)复合材料载流磨损行为的影响,采用化学气相渗透法(CVI)增密的C/C多孔体,再通过压力熔渗法制备C/C-Cu复合材料.采用载流动态磨损试验机测试C/C-Cu复合材料载流磨损行为,利用数字式三维视频显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察复合材料磨损前后的表面形貌,研究了C/C多孔体经过2 000 ℃热处理对C/C-Cu复合材料载流磨损行为的影响.结果表明:C/C-Cu复合材料的质量磨损率和线磨损率比C/C多孔体未经热处理的复合材料分别降低了34.42%和17.84%;C/C多孔体经过2 000 ℃热处理,石墨化度提高,片层劈裂阻力减小,在载荷的作用下石墨片层易于劈裂形成细小的石墨微晶碎片,迅速填充修复表面缺陷,形成具有一定润滑作用、平整的摩擦膜,有效抑制了局部非均匀磨损的扩大,减弱了磨粒磨损和电弧放电引起的烧蚀、粘着、氧化磨损之间的循环交替磨损,载流磨损性能提高.
关键词:  C/C-Cu复合材料  磨损  载流  受电弓滑板  热处理
Effects of heat treatment on wear behavior of carbon/carbon-copper composites under electrical current
YANG Pengao,ZHANG Hongbo,YIN Jian,YANG Shuanglei
(State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy(Central South University), Changsha 410083, China)
To explore the effects of heat treatment of Carbon/Carbon (C/C) substrates on wear behavior of Carbon/Carbon-Copper (C/C-Cu) composites, copper-impregnated carbon fiber reinforced carbon composites were fabricated by infiltrating molten copper alloy into C/C substrates, which were made by chemical vapor infiltration (CVI). The wear behavior of C/C-Cu composites was investigated by using a dynamic wear test apparatus during application of an AC electrical current. The worn surfaces of composites before and after test were observed by 3D microscope and SEM. Effects of 2 000℃ heat treatment of C/C substrates on wear behavior of C/C-Cu composites were investigated. The results indicate that the mass wear rate and linear wear rate of the C/C-Cu composites whose C/C substrates were treated at 2 000 ℃ were 34.42% and 17.84%, respectively, lower than that of composites without heat treatment. The graphitization degree of C/C substrates improved after 2 000 ℃ heat treatment, thus, the interlaminar splitting resistance was reduced.Thus it is easier for graphite sheets to split into small graphite scraps and form a smooth and lubricant film on the surface, which restrained the inhomogeneous wear induced by surface defects. Therefore, the mutual effects of abrasive wear, adhesive wear, oxidation wear and arc ablation are weakened.
Key words:  C/C-Cu composites  wear  electrical current  contact strip  heat treatment