Author Name | Affiliation | Junyi OuYang | The College of Artificial Intelligence, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu 241000, Anhui,China Wuhu Anpu Robot Industry Technology Research Institute, Wuhu 241000, Anhui,China | Dezhang Xu | The College of Artificial Intelligence, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu 241000, Anhui,China Wuhu Anpu Robot Industry Technology Research Institute, Wuhu 241000, Anhui,China |
Abstract: |
To address the challenges of insufficient visualization in the industrial robot assembly operation system and the limitation of visualizing only geometric attributes of physical properties, a method is proposed for constructing an industrial robot assembly system based on virtual reality technology. Focusing on the shaft hole assembly, the mechanical characteristics of the industrial robot shaft hole assembly process are analyzed and a dynamic model is established for shaft hole assembly operations. The key elements of virtual assembly operations for industrial robots are summarized and a five-dimensional model is proposed for industrial robot virtual operations. Utilizing the Unity3D engine based on the 5-D model for industrial robot virtual operations, an industrial robot shaft hole assembly system is developed. This system enables virtual assembly operations, displays physical attributes, and provides valuable references for the research of virtual systems. |
Key words: industrial robots virtual reality virtual assembly five-dimensional model assembly system |
DOI:10.11916/j.issn.1005-9113.23071 |
Clc Number:TP242.6 |
Fund: |
Descriptions in Chinese: |
基于Unity3D的工业机器人虚拟装配系统研究 欧阳俊祎;许德章 (1.安徽工程大学 人工智能学院 ,安徽 芜湖 241000; 2.芜湖安普机器人产业技术研究院有限公司 安徽 芜湖 241000) 中文说明:针对工业机器人装配作业系统可视化程度低、可视物理属性仅为几何属性的问题,提出一种基于虚拟现实技术的工业机器人装配系统构建方法。以轴孔装配为研究对象,分析工业机器人轴孔装配过程力学特性,建立轴孔装配作业动力学模型;总结工业机器人虚拟装配作业要素,提出工业机器人虚拟作业五维模型;基于工业机器人虚拟作业五维模型,利用Unity3D引擎,开发工业机器人轴孔装配系统,实现虚拟装配作业过程,并显示物理属性,对虚拟系统研究具有参考价值。关键词:工业机器人;虚拟现实;虚拟装配;五维模型;装配系统 |