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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

MA Rui-xin,LI Shi-na,SUO Guo-quan,REN Lei.Effects of sputtering bias-voltage on ITO thin films growth modes and photoelectric properties[J].Materials Science and Technology,2012,20(4):65-69.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20120412.
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马瑞新, 李士娜, 锁国权, 任磊
北京科技大学 冶金与生态工程学院,北京 100083
为明确溅射偏压对ITO薄膜性质的影响,用射频磁控溅射法于室温在玻璃衬底制备出ITO透明导电薄膜,研究了不同偏压下ITO薄膜的生长模式、光学和电学性能.结果表明:随着偏压的增加,薄膜沉积模式经历了沉积、沉积和扩散、表面脱附3种方式;AFM和SEM显示,偏压为100 V时,膜层表面光洁、均匀,粗糙度最小,均方根粗糙度为1.61 nm;XRD分析表明偏压会影响与薄膜的择优取向,偏压为100 V时,薄膜晶粒取向为(222)面;薄膜偏压为120 V时,薄膜的光电性能最佳,电阻率最低为2.59×10-4 Ω·cm,可见光区的平均透过率在85 %以上;偏压的大小使薄膜的吸收边发生了“蓝移”或“红移”.
关键词:  ITO薄膜  偏压  生长模式  微观结构  光电性能
基金项目:广西自然科学基金项目(2010GXNSFA013028);广西重点实验室项目(09-007-05_016);研究生创新项目(2010105950802 M 05).
Effects of sputtering bias-voltage on ITO thin films growth modes and photoelectric properties
MA Rui-xin, LI Shi-na, SUO Guo-quan, REN Lei
School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China
To clarify the effect of sputtering bias-voltage on the photoelectric properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films,the ITO thin films were deposited by RF magnetron sputtering on glass substrates at room temperature and the growth modes,electrical and optical properties of these films were investigated as a function of the sputtering bias-voltage.The results show that,with the increasing of sputtering bias-voltage,the films deposition undergoes three modes “deposition”,“diffusion” and “desorption”.AFM and SEM investigations reveal that the films have very smooth and uniform surface with a smallest root mean square roughness of 1.61 nm at 100 V sputtering bias-voltage.XRD results show the deposited films demonstrate a preferred orientation of (222) with a similar crystal structure at 100 V sputtering bias-voltage.The films with the sputtering bias-voltage of 120 V in this study show that the lowest resistivity of 2.59×10-4 Ω·cm and the optical transmittance in visible range of the films is over 85 %.“Blue shift” or “red shift” of the absorption edge can be observed with different bias-voltages.
Key words:  ITO thin films  bias voltage  growth modes  microstructure  photoelectric properties