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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

SUI Xiuwu,WANG Shuo,LI Yao,LI Yan.Finite element analysis of collagen and chitosan absorbable suture forming and precision spinning process parameters control[J].Materials Science and Technology,2017,25(1):84-91.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20160205.
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隋修武, 王硕,李瑶,李琰
(天津市现代机电装备技术重点实验室(天津工业大学 机械工程学院),天津 300387)
为了解决胶原蛋白与壳聚糖材料的可吸收缝合线的湿法纺丝工艺中线径和强度不均匀的难题,进行了该种材料成型的数值仿真与纺丝成型机的控制系统设计.数值仿真采用Gambit与Fluent 软件,对该混合液的射流喷嘴流场进行了有限元分析,从理论上论证了通过控制喷丝张力来调节缝合线线径的可行性;在此基础上,在JK1601型立管式湿法纺丝机上研制了缠绕张力和线径两个关键参数的闭环控制系统,缠绕张力控制采用归一化PID控制算法实现;线径控制采用线阵CCD非接触式在线测量与改进的自适应广义预测控制算法相结合来实现.实验表明:改进后JK1601型纺丝机制作的缝合线样品符合美国药典第35版的要求,直径和抗张强度的不均匀性分别由原来的25.4%、33.2%降低到5.0%以内.
关键词:  壳聚糖与胶原蛋白  可吸收缝合线  有限元分析  线阵CCD  广义预测控制算法
Finite element analysis of collagen and chitosan absorbable suture forming and precision spinning process parameters control
SUI Xiuwu, WANG Shuo, LI Yao, LI Yan
(Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Mechatronics Equipment Technology (School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University), Tianjin 300387, China)
In the wet spinning process of absorbable suture of collagen and chitosan materials, in order to solve the problem of its uneven diameter and tensile strength, the numerical simulation of this kind of material and the design of the control system of spinning machine were carried out. The finite element analysis is carried out on the jet nozzle flow field of the mixed liquid by Gambit and Fluent software for numerical simulation. The results demonstrates the feasibility of adjusting the suture diameter by controlling spinning tension theoretically; On this basis, the closed-loop control system of winding tension and suture diameter of two key parameters was developed on the JK1601 type vertical tube wet spinning machine. Control of winding tension was realized by normalized PID control algorithm; Control of suture diameter was realized by the combination of linear CCD non contact online measurement and improved adaptive generalized predictive control algorithm. Experiments show that the suture samples made by the improved JK1601 type spinning machine meet the requirements of the United States Pharmacopoeia thirty-fifth Edition. The inhomogeneity of diameter and tensile strength is controlled from 25.4%、33.2% to less than 5%.
Key words:  collagen and chitosan  absorbable suture  finite element analysis  linear CCD  generalized predictive control algorithm