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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

WANG Haojie,CHEN Shuangshuang,HU Qiang,DENG Xida,ZOU Jizhao,XIE Shenghui,QIAN Haixia,ZENG Xierong.The glass-forming ability and die casting performance of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses[J].Materials Science and Technology,2020,28(5):38-46.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20200089.
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王浩杰1,陈双双2,胡强3,邓希达1, 邹继兆1, 谢盛辉1, 钱海霞1,曾燮榕1
(1. 深圳特种功能材料重点实验室&深圳先进陶瓷技术工程实验室,深圳大学 材料学院,广东 深圳 518060; 2. 安徽工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,安徽 马鞍山 243002; 3. 江西省科学院 应用物理研究所,南昌 330029)
关键词:  Zr基块体非晶合金  玻璃形成能力  压铸成型性能  精密结构件
The glass-forming ability and die casting performance of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses
WANG Haojie1, CHEN Shuangshuang2, HU Qiang3, DENG Xida1, ZOU Jizhao1, XIE Shenghui1, QIAN Haixia1, ZENG Xierong1
(1.Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Special Functional Material & Shenzhen Engineering Laboratory for Advance Technology of Ceramics, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China; 2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Ma'anshan 243002, China; 3.Institute of Applied Physics, Jiangxi Academy of Science, Nanchang 330029, China)
In this study, the effects of the melt temperature, casting pressure and chemical composition on the glass-forming ability (GFA) and die casting performance of metallic glasses were investigated, and the relationship between those two properties were further explored. It was found that the GFA of Zr-based metallic glasses initially slightly increased and then decreased with increasing melt temperature. Moreover, the GFA and stability of metallic glasses vary considerably due to chemical inhomogeneity, local atomic clusters, as well as actual cooling rate. The casting performance of metallic glasses improved with increasing of melt temperature and casting pressure, but showing mutual restriction with the GFA. Once the alloy has a strong GFA, the dense atomic clusters and larger viscosity coefficient can dramatically hinder the flow forming of the supercooled liquids, especially for the alloys with high thermal stability. However, the overheating of the melt would cause weak GFA and decreased viscosity, and so enhance die casting performance. Therefore, choosing appropriate compositions and optimizing casting parameters facilitate precision forming of structural parts.
Key words:  Zr-based bulk metallic glass  Glass-forming ability  Die casting performance  Precision structural parts