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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

WANG Chen,TANG Yali,LU Lixin,PAN Liao,QIU Xiaolin.Preparation and oil absorption properties of chicken feather hydrolytic residue sponge[J].Materials Science and Technology,2021,29(3):1-7.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20200357.
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(1.江南大学 机械工程学院,江苏 无锡 214000; 2.江苏省食品先进制造装备技术重点实验室,江苏 无锡 214100)
为对还原法水解废弃鸡毛所产生的残渣加以二次利用,使用冷冻干燥方法将其制备成残渣海绵。确定了当残渣海绵孔隙率控制在96.5%时其吸油量和拉伸性能之间会有一个较优平衡,此时拉伸强度约为5.14 kPa;吸油试验表明残渣海绵具有良好的单油介质下吸油性能(橄榄油17.24 g/g,液体石蜡14.11 g/g)和优异的油水介质下选择性吸油能力,在最极端条件下吸附油水比例也可达4∶9,整体吸油表现优于同类吸油材料,如再生纸、脱脂棉等;FT-IR显示残渣中蛋白质未被完全水解仍存在大量肽键,SEM微观形貌和氮气吸-脱附曲线表明残渣海绵具备多孔结构,这些均为残渣海绵的高吸油特性提供了微观依据。结合残渣海绵吸油受温湿度变化影响较小的特点,可以认为其是一款具有良好应用价值且用途广泛的清洁材料。
关键词:  废弃羽毛  冷冻干燥  残渣海绵  吸油  油水选择性
Preparation and oil absorption properties of chicken feather hydrolytic residue sponge
WANG Chen1, TANG Yali1,2, LU Lixin1,2, PAN Liao1,2, QIU Xiaolin1,2
(1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214000, China; 2.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Food Manufacturing Equipment & Technology, Wuxi 214100, China)
Residue sponge was prepared by freeze-drying method to reuse the residue generated from hydrolysis of waste chicken feather by reduction method. When the porosity of the residue sponge was controlled at 96.5%, there was a balance between oil absorption and tensile properties, and the tensile strength was 5.14 kPa.Oil absorption test shows that the residue sponge hadgood oil absorption performance in single oil medium (olive oil 17.24 g/g, liquid paraffin 14.11 g/g) and excellent selective oil absorption ability in oil-water medium.The ratio of oil to water could reach 4∶9 even under the most extreme conditions, and theoverall oil absorption performance was better than those of similar oil absorption materials, such as recycled paper and absorbent cotton.FT-IR shows that protein in the residue was not completely hydrolyzed, and there were still a large number of peptide bonds.SEM morphology and nitrogen adsorption-desorption curves show that the sponge had a porous structure, which provided a microscopic basis for the high oil absorption characteristics of the sponge. Combined with the characteristics that the oil absorption of residue sponge is less affected by temperature and humidity, it can be considered as a clean material with good application value.
Key words:  discarded feathers  freeze-drying  residue sponge  oil absorption: oil-water selectivity