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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

XIAO Jin,ZHAI Qian,ZHOU Yanqiong,CHEN Weiquan,YAN Jichao,LI Wuchu,FANG Xiangyi.Solid-liquid diffusion interconnection method based on Cu-In two-stage micro-nano layer[J].Materials Science and Technology,2021,29(3):42-48.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20200355.
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(广东工业大学 华立学院,广州 511325)
提出一种基于特殊形貌铜铟二级微纳米层的液固扩散互连方法。将两块具有针状阵列结构的铜铟二级微纳米层的基板表面相互接触,对接触区域进行加热以进行固液互连。这种铜铟微纳米层具有二级结构,第一级为细小均匀的圆锥形阵列铜针层,第二级为镀覆铜针层上的铟微米层,其能有效防止铜层氧化。在互连温度260 ℃下,铟变成液态,互连时液态铟浸润铜针层,形成金属间化合物Cu2In。通过扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜及焊接强度测试仪分别分析了互连界面的显微组织,金属间化合物和剪切强度变化趋势。发现随着互连时间的延长,互连界面组织均匀,剪切强度增加,互连质量良好。这归因于铜针层结构与铟层形成物理互锁界面,铟在界面处与铜形成金属间化合物Cu2In。Cu2In是一种优质相,具有良好的塑性,提高了互连质量。热处理实验表明这种铜铟微纳米层互连技术短时热处理即可获得较好的互连强度。
关键词:  金属材料  固液互连  铜-铟微纳米  互连强度  扩散
Solid-liquid diffusion interconnection method based on Cu-In two-stage micro-nano layer
XIAO Jin, ZHAI Qian, ZHOU Yanqiong, CHEN Weiquan, YAN Jichao, LI Wuchu, FANG Xiangyi
(Huali College, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 511325, China)
A liquid-solid diffusion interconnection method based on Cu-In two-stage micro-nano layer with special morphology was proposed. The surfaces of two Cu-In micro-nano layers with needle array structures were contacted with each other, and the contact area was heated for solid-liquid interconnection. The Cu-In micro-nano layer has a two-stage structure, where the first stage is a small uniform conical array copper needle layer, and the second stage is an indium micro-layer on the copper needle layer, which can effectively prevent the copper layer from oxidation. At the interconnection temperature of 260 ℃, indium became liquid. During interconnection, liquid indium infiltrated copper needle layer to form intermetallic compound Cu2In. The microstructure, intermetallic compounds, and shear strength of the interface were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and welding strength tester. It was found that with the increase of interconnection time, the interface structure was uniform, the shear strength increased, and the interconnection quality was good. This was due to the physical interlocking interface between copper needle layer and indium layer, where indium and copper formed intermetallic compound Cu2In. Cu2In is a high quality phase with good plasticity, which can improve the quality of interconnection. Heat treatment experiments show that the Cu-In micro-nano layer interconnection technology can obtain better interconnection strength after short-term heat treatment.
Key words:  metal material  solid-liquid interconnection  Cu-In micro-nano  interconnection strength  diffusion 收稿日期: 2020-12-31.网络出版日期: 2021-04-12. 基金项目: