引用本文: | 李明凯,赵雄翔,康贺铭,李永平,于欢,邓海龙.渗碳Cr-Ni高强硬度合金钢超高周疲劳寿命预测[J].材料科学与工艺,2022,30(1):69-75.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20210168. |
| LI Mingkai,ZHAO Xiongxiang,KANG Heming,LI Yongping,YU Huan,DENG Hailong.Prediction of very-high-cycle fatigue life of carburized Cr-Ni high-hardness alloy steel[J].Materials Science and Technology,2022,30(1):69-75.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20210168. |
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渗碳Cr-Ni高强硬度合金钢超高周疲劳寿命预测 |
(1.内蒙古工业大学 机械工程学院,呼和浩特 010051; 2.内蒙古自治区先进制造技术重点实验室,呼和浩特 010051; 3.内蒙古自治区能源技术中心,呼和浩特 010051)
摘要: |
为了给渗碳合金钢提供一种有效可行的超高周疲劳寿命预测方法,在应力比为0和0.3两种情况下,对渗碳Cr-Ni高强硬度合金钢展开疲劳试验研究。通过对试样断口的微观组织观测,发现渗碳层与基体材料中均有非金属夹杂的存在;通过对裂纹萌生位置和疲劳断口形貌的观察,将疲劳失效分为带有细晶粒区(Fine Granular Area,FGA)的内部疲劳失效和带有表面光滑区(Surface Smooth Area, SSA)的表面疲劳失效,并构建了渗碳Cr-Ni高强硬度合金钢在应力比为0和0.3时的S-N曲线,同时对合金钢在超高周工况下的内部疲劳破坏机制进行了说明。基于累积损伤法,考虑应力比、FGA应力强度因子、FGA尺寸及夹杂尺寸等重要参数,建立了两种可适应不同应力比的渗碳Cr-Ni高强硬度合金钢疲劳寿命预测模型。经对比分析,两种预测模型均具有较高的预测精度,可作为渗碳Cr-Ni高强硬度合金钢超高周疲劳寿命预测的有效方法。 |
关键词: 渗碳Cr-Ni合金钢 疲劳失效机理 S-N曲线 累积损伤 疲劳寿命 |
DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20210168 |
分类号:TG144 |
文献标识码:A |
基金项目:内蒙古自治区自然科学基金资助项目(2018BS05005,2021LHMS05009);内蒙古高等教育研究项目(NJZY21306). |
Prediction of very-high-cycle fatigue life of carburized Cr-Ni high-hardness alloy steel |
LI Mingkai1, ZHAO Xiongxiang3, KANG Heming1, LI Yongping1, YU Huan1, DENG Hailong1,2
(1.Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China; 2.Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Hohhot 010051, China; 3.Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Energy Technology Center, Hohhot 010051, China)
Abstract: |
In order to provide an effective and feasible method for predicting the very-high-cycle fatigue life of carburized alloy steels, fatigue experiments were carried out on carburized Cr-Ni high-hardness alloy steels with stress ratios of 0 and 0.3. By observing the microstructure of the fracture of the sample, it was found that there were non-metallic inclusions in both carburizing layer and matrix material. The fatigue failure was divided into internal fatigue failure with fine granular area (FGA) and surface fatigue failure with surface smooth area (SSA) based on the observation of the crack initiation position and fatigue fracture morphology. The S-N curves of carburized Cr-Ni high-hardness alloy steel with stress ratios of 0 and 0.3 were constructed, and the internal fatigue failure mechanism of the alloy steel under very-high-cycle condition was explained. On the basis of the cumulative damage method and considering the stress ratio, FGA stress intensity factor, FGA size, and inclusion size, two fatigue life prediction models for carburized Cr-Ni high-hardness alloy steels with different stress ratios were established. Through comparative analysis, the two prediction models both had high prediction accuracy, which can be used as an effective method for predicting the very-high-cycle fatigue life of carburized Cr-Ni high-hardness alloy steels. |
Key words: carburized Cr-Ni alloy steel fatigue failure mechanism S-N curve cumulative damage fatigue life |