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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

LI Jing.Optimization for stamping forming quality of front connecting plate of automobile side panel[J].Materials Science and Technology,2023,31(2):90-96.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20220107.
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(闽西职业技术学院 信息与制造学院,福建 龙岩 364000)
针对汽车侧围前连接板的成形质量缺陷问题,本文通过有限元软件分析工艺参数对成形质量的影响,并完成拉延模面的回弹补偿。首先,以最大减薄率和最大回弹量为评价目标,采用正交实验对压边力、模具间隙、冲压速度和摩擦系数4个工艺参数进行分析,获得影响成形质量最大的因素为压边力,冲压速度次之,确定最优工艺参数为:压边力300 kN、模具间隙1.20 mm、冲压速度90 mm/s、摩擦系数0.11;其次,采用节点位移法对拉延模面进行2次回弹补偿,将零件的回弹量控制在允许范围内;最后,将最优工艺参数和回弹补偿面应用于现场实验,测得试模件的最大减薄率为14.64%,最大正负回弹量为1.254 4 mm/-1.327 0 mm,试模件的最大减薄率和最大回弹量均在允许范围内,实验结果与仿真分析结果相近,验证了本实验方案的可行性。研究表明:通过优化工艺参数能够有效控制减薄、起皱和拉延不足等缺陷,并能够在一定程度上减少回弹量;通过对拉延模进行回弹补偿可以有效地控制回弹量。
关键词:  冲压成形  工艺优化  正交实验  回弹补偿  质量控制
Optimization for stamping forming quality of front connecting plate of automobile side panel
LI Jing
(School of Information and Manufacturing,Minxi Vocational & Technical College,Longyan 364000,China)
Considering the forming defects of front connecting plate of automobile side panel, this paper analyzes the influence of process parameters on forming quality through finite element software, and completes the springback compensation of the drawing die surface. First, taking the maximum thinning rate and the maximum springback as the evaluation targets, four process parameters including blank holder force, die gap, punching speed, and friction coefficient were analyzed by orthogonal tests. The greatest influencing factor of forming quality was blank holder force, followed by stamping speed. The optimal process parameters were determined as: blank holder force 300 kN, die gap 1.20 mm, stamping speed 90 mm/s, and friction coefficient 0.11. Then, the nodal displacement method was adopted for twice springback compensation of the drawing die surface, so as to control the springback of the part within the allowable range. Finally, the optimal process parameters and springback compensation surface were applied for field experiment. The maximum thinning rate of the test module was measured to be 14.64%, and the maximum positive and negative springback was 1.254 4 mm/-1.327 0 mm. The maximum thinning rate and maximum springback of the test module were within the allowable range. The experimental results were similar to the simulation analysis results, which verified the feasibility of the proposed experimental scheme. The research shows that the defects such as thinning, wrinkling, and insufficient drawing can be effectively controlled by optimizing process parameters, and the amount of springback can be reduced to a certain extent; the amount of springback can be effectively controlled by springback compensation of the drawing die.
Key words:  stamping forming  process optimization  orthogonal test  springback compensation  quality control