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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

GAO Zhiyuan,MAO Jian,QIAN Bo.Continuous carbon fibre hybrid 3D printing process and bionic leg performance[J].Materials Science and Technology,2023,31(6):63-70.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20220337.
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(上海工程技术大学 机械与汽车工程学院, 上海 201620)
基于连续与短切碳纤维复合材料双喷头混合3D打印工艺原理,本文研究了连续碳纤维在实验样条中的排布方式,对3D打印中连续碳纤维的层间布局进行工艺规划,并应用于四足机器人仿生腿的制造,以增强四足机器人仿生腿的承载能力。根据不同工况下四足机器人仿生腿的受力分析及静力学仿真结果,得到仿生腿受力时理论应力集中部位,并由此设计承载力实验对仿生腿30°外展工况持续施加力至额定载荷;通过仿生腿在承载力实验中结构失效的部位与仿真时理论应力集中处的对照分析,证明了仿真结果的准确性。依据仿生腿侧面受力时结构失效的测试评估结果,对3D打印仿生腿中的连续碳纤维的布局进行合理工艺规划,在不增大连续碳纤维整体含量的条件下对应力集中部位进行选择性增强,可在提高3D打印性价比的同时使仿生腿的最大拉升强度提升至310 MPa,从而达到更优的承载作用。
关键词:  连续碳纤维  双喷头  3D打印  仿生腿  静力学仿真
Continuous carbon fibre hybrid 3D printing process and bionic leg performance
GAO Zhiyuan, MAO Jian, QIAN Bo
(Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering ,Shanghai 201620,China)
Based on the principle of continuous and short-cut carbon fiber composite dual nozzle hybrid 3D printing process, this paper studies the arrangement of continuous carbon fiber in the experimental sample, proposes the process planning for the layer layout of continuous carbon fiber in 3D printing, and explores the manufacturing of quadruped robot bionic leg so as to enhance the load-bearing capacity of the quadruped robot bionic leg. On the basis of stress analysis and static simulation results of the quadruped robot bionic leg under different working conditions, the theoretical stress concentrations of the bionic leg were obtained, and the load-bearing experiment was designed to continuously apply the force to the rated load for the 30° outward working condition of the bionic leg.The accuracy of the simulation results was proved by comparing the structural failure of the bionic leg in the load-bearing experiment with the theoretical stress concentrations during the simulation. In the light of the results of the structural failure of the bionic leg during the lateral stress test, the layout of the continuous carbon fiber in the 3D printed bionic leg is planned, and the stress concentration area is selectively strengthened without increasing the overall content of the continuous carbon fiber, which can increase the maximum tensile strength of the bionic leg to 310 MPa while improving the cost performance of 3D printing, thus achieving a better load-bearing effect.
Key words:  continuous carbon fiber  dual nozzle  3D printing  bionic leg  hydrostatic simulation