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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

FANG Lili,LI Jinghua,LIU Han,JIANG Yufei,LI Shaokang,FANG Wenquan.Study on influencing factors of nickel quality in diamond micropowder electroplating[J].Materials Science and Technology,2024,32(2):66-72.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20220342.
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(1.中原工学院 理学院,郑州 450007; 2.中原工学院 郑州市低维量子材料及器件重点实验室,郑州 450007)
金刚石微粉在镀液中易漂浮导致电镀镍困难,为获得金刚石微粉电镀镍工艺,本文研究了镀瓶转速和电镀电流对金刚石微粉电镀镍品质的影响。通过对金刚石微粉颗粒在不同镀瓶转速时运动状态进行理论分析,得到了镀瓶转速调节方法,并通过实验确定了不同电镀电流时镀瓶转速的调节范围。采用单因素实验,研究了电镀电流对镀层增重率、形貌和密度的影响。结果表明:镀瓶转速在1~7 r/min范围内,从小到大逐步提高,同时电镀电流不超过3.0 A条件下,能够实现金刚石微粉电镀镍。电镀电流在0.5 A时镀层失重,出现明显退镀现象,在1.0 A时镀层有少部分漏镀现象,在1.5~2.5 A时镀层包裹完整,基本无漏镀;电镀电流在1.0~2.5 A范围时,随着电镀电流增大,镀层增重率逐渐增大,镀层密度逐渐减小。采用低转速低电流、逐步提高镀瓶转速的方法对金刚石微粉进行电镀镍,镀瓶转速在1~7 r/min,电镀电流在1.5~2.5 A时金刚石微粉电镀镍品质较好。
关键词:  金刚石微粉  电镀镍  镀瓶转速  电镀电流  电镀品质
Study on influencing factors of nickel quality in diamond micropowder electroplating
FANG Lili1,2, LI Jinghua1,2, LIU Han1,2, JIANG Yufei1,2, LI Shaokang1,2, FANG Wenquan1,2
(1.College of Science, Zhongyuan University of Technology,Zhengzhou 450007,China; 2. Zhengzhou Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Materials and Devices, Zhongyuan University of Technology,Zhengzhou 450007,China) [HJ0.87mm]
Diamond micropowder is easy to float in the plating solution, which makes electroplating difficult. To optimize the nickel plating on diamond micro-powder process, the influence of the rotating speed of the plating bottle and the electroplating current on the quality of nickel electroplating of diamond micropowder were studied. Through theoretical analysis of the motion state of diamond micropowder particles at different rotational speeds of the plating bottle, a method for adjusting the rotating speed of the plating bottle is obtained, and the adjustment range of the rotating speed of the plating bottle at different plating currents is determined by experiments. The effect of electroplating current on the weight gain rate, morphology and density of the coating was studied by single factor experiment. The results show that the speed of the electroplating bottle gradually increases from small to large in the range of 1~7 r/min, and the electroplating current cannot exceed 3.0 A, which can better realize the electroplating of diamond micropowder nickel. When the plating current is 0.5 A, the plating layer is weightless, and there is obvious deplating phenomenon, and there is a small part of the leakage of the plating layer when the plating current is 1.0 A, and the plating layer is completely wrapped when the plating current is 1.5~2.5 A, basically no leakage plating; at 1.0~2.5 A, with the increase of electroplating current, the weight gain rate of the coating gradually increases, and the density of the coating gradually decreases. Nickel plating of diamond micropowder is carried out by using the method of low rotating speed and low current, and gradually increasing the rotating speed of the electroplating bottle. When the rotating speed of the plating bottle is 1~7 r/min and the plating current is 1.5~2.5 A, the quality of nickel plating of diamond micropowder is better.
Key words:  diamond micropowder  electroplating nickel  rotating speed of plating bottle  plating current  plating quality