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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

HE Chuang,LIU Detao,KONG Dejun.Effects of high-frequency quenching heating time on friction and wear properties of 35CrMo steel[J].Materials Science and Technology,2025,33(1):72-81.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20230212.
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何闯1, 刘德涛2,孔德军2
(1.江苏远方动力科技有限公司, 江苏 常州 213021;2.常州大学 机械工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164)
利用高频淬火技术对35CrMo钢进行了表面处理,分析了加热时间对其物相、微观组织和硬度的影响,并通过磨损试验机考察了摩擦-磨损性能。结果表明,随着加热时间的增加,淬硬层中的奥氏体发生晶界过烧和晶粒粗化现象,而在加热时间为7 s时,淬硬层表面的显微硬度最高、磨损率最低,表明适当的加热时间有利于提高35CrMo钢摩擦性能。在加热时间为6 s时,淬火的35CrMo钢磨损机理以磨粒磨损、氧化磨损为主,伴随着黏着磨损;在加热时间为7 s时,淬火的35CrMo钢磨损机理以磨粒磨损和黏着磨损为主,并伴随着氧化磨损;而当淬火时间为8和9 s时,淬火的35CrMo钢磨损机理以磨粒磨损、黏着磨损和氧化磨损为主。
关键词:  高频淬火  35CrMo钢  硬度  磨损率  磨损机理
分类号:TN249; TG156.33
Effects of high-frequency quenching heating time on friction and wear properties of 35CrMo steel
HE Chuang1, LIU Detao2, KONG Dejun2
(1.Jiangsu Yuanfang Power Technology Co., Ltd., Changzhou 213021,China;2.School of Mechanical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164,China)
CrMo steel was processed by high-frequency quenching technology, and the effects of heating time on its phase, microstructure, and hardness were analyzed. The friction and wear performance was also investigated using a wear testing machine. The results show that the austenite on the quench layer occurs grain boundary over burning and grain coarsening with the increase in heating time.When the heating time increases to 7 s, the quench layer has the highest surface hardness and the lowest wear rate, indicating that the appropriate heating time is beneficial for improving the tribological performance of 35CrMo steel. The wear mechanism of quenched 35CrMo steel at the heating time of 6 s is mainly abrasive wear and oxidative wear, accompanied by the adhesive wear.Moreover, the wear mechanism of quenched 35CrMo steel at the heating time of 7 s is mainly abrasive wear and adhesive wear, accompanied by the light oxidative wear. However, those of 35CrMo steel at the heating time of 8 s and 9 s are mainly abrasive wear, adhesive wear and oxidative wear.
Key words:  high-frequency quenching  35CrMo steel  hardness  wear rate  wear mechanism