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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

YU Guang,LI Peng,ZHAO Qing-liang,YAO Jun,Huang Hai-tao,LIU Xian-fang,ZHANG Wei.Characterization of ultra-precision machined surfaces with power spectral density[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2010,42(1):29.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2010.01.008
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于光1, 李鹏2, 赵清亮2, 姚俊3, 黄海涛3, 刘宪芳4, 张伟1
为了了解加工方法和参数对加工表面特性PSD表征结果的影响规律,采用功率谱密度方法(PSD)对超精密磨削加工表面进行了表征与分析.应用Dimension 3100原子力显微镜对超精密加工表面进行测量,得到三维微观形貌和数据,以空间波长为横坐标,功率谱密度为纵坐标输出PSD图像,简单直观地分析了加工表面空间波长分布及不同波长在表面所占的比重,对比分析了加工方法和参数对PSD表征结果特征的影响.实验结果表明,超精密加工表面PSD图像的主导频率、波长分布特点以及各波长的PSD值大小等参数不仅可以同时体现横向尺寸及高度尺寸特性,而且能够得到表面误差的空间频率分布和方向特性信息.
关键词:  超精密加工  表征  功率谱密度
Characterization of ultra-precision machined surfaces with power spectral density
YU Guang1, LI Peng2, ZHAO Qing-liang2, YAO Jun3, Huang Hai-tao3, LIU Xian-fang4, ZHANG Wei1
1.Centre for Spatial Optics Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;2.Centre for Precision Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;3.Shanghai Machine ToolWorks Co.,Ltd.,No.1146 Jungong Road,Shanghai 200093,China;4.Shanghai Sany Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.,No.319 Chuanda Road,Shanghai Chuansha Economic Park,Shanghai 201200,China
To investigate the effects of machining techniques and parameters on the ultra-precision machined surfaces,the power spectral density(PSD) method was employed to characterize the ultra-precision machined surfaces.Dimension 3100 AFM was used to measure the surfaces,and then the 3D micromorphology and corresponding data were obtained.The PSD graph was drawn with the spatial wavelength as horizontal axis and the power spectral density as vertical axis.The spatial wavelength distribution as well as the proportion on the machined surfaces was simply and directly analyzed.The relationship between power spectral density and machining methods as well as the machining parameters was comparatively analyzed.Experimental results show that by using the PSD method to characterize the ultra-precision machined surfaces,the lateral and height size features can be illustrated,and the distribution information of spatial wavelength of the machined surfaces can be obtained.Meanwhile,the anisotropic features of the machined surfaces can be also analyzed through the 3-D power spectral density graph.
Key words:  ultra-precision machining  characterization  power spectral density