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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

DAN Han-cheng,LI Liang,LI Ling.Calculation for infiltration rate of flow in cracking asphalt pavement[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2011,43(6):105.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2011.06.022
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但汉成1, 李亮1, 李凌2
关键词:  渗入率  渗流理论  排水基层  路面龟裂  裂缝渗流
Calculation for infiltration rate of flow in cracking asphalt pavement
DAN Han-cheng1, LI Liang1, LI Ling2
1.School of Civil engineering,Central South University,410075 Changsha,China;2.School of Civil engineering,University of Queensland,4072 Brisbane QLD,Australia)
Based on the crack seepage theory for simulating the water infiltration in pavement,a mathematical model for calculating infiltration rate of pavement with cracks has been established and the theoretical calculation formula of infiltration rate has been deduced.The formula can be applied to evaluate the infiltration,optimize the drainage design and improve the efficiency of drainage system.Further,the map cracks distributed in pavement are also considered and included in another mathematical model for calculating the infiltration rate in pavement with map cracks.The experimental results for the infiltration rate and flow quantity of damaged pavement show that cracks and map cracks give a great contribution to the water quantity infiltrating into the pavement.It is suggested that the design of infiltration rate should take the cracks and map cracks into consideration reasonably.By calculating and analyzing the two models established in this paper,it shows that the evaluation of infiltration rate should be conducted according to the damage degree of pavement,such as crack length,crack width,crack density and the distribution of map cracks throughout pavement.Additionally,if the thickness of surface course of pavement is determined,the thickness of permeable base not only depends on the permeability coefficient of the material of permeable base but also the strength of pavement structure.
Key words:  infiltration rate  percolation theory  permeable base  map crack  crack seepage