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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

QIU Shan,HUANG Xu,LIU Zishu,MA Fang,XU Shanwen.Utilization of straw ash as an additive for making unburned fly ash ceramsite[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2013,45(2):36.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2013.02.007
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邱珊1, 黄旭1, 刘子述1, 马放1,2, 徐善文2
(1.哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院, 150090 哈尔滨; 2.哈尔滨工业大学 宜兴环保研究院, 214200 江苏 宜兴) 
为克服粉煤灰免烧陶粒堆积密度高、应用性差的弊端,以秸秆灰为添加剂制备免烧陶粒.对粉煤灰活性激发机理、原料添加作用和陶粒物相组成(XRD)进行研究,得出制备陶粒的最佳过程参数为:5%的NaOH溶液预处理粉煤灰,成分配比(质量分数)为粉煤灰58.11%、氧化钙4.84%、水泥29.05%、秸秆灰8%.产品的主要性能指标为堆积密度785 kg/m3,比表面积11.1 m2/g,破碎率2.3%.对制得陶粒的浸出毒性和基本性能进行检测,结果表明,以秸秆灰为添加剂在一定条件下可制备出用于污水处理领域性能优良的功能陶粒,达到经济节能、变废为宝的目的.
关键词:  粉煤灰  免烧陶粒  秸秆灰  轻质  污水处理
Utilization of straw ash as an additive for making unburned fly ash ceramsite
QIU Shan1, HUANG Xu1, LIU Zishu1, MA Fang1,2, XU Shanwen2
(1.School of Municipal and Envimnmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technoloy, 150090 Harbin, China; 2.HIT Yixing Academy of Evironmental Protection, 214200 Yixing, Jiangsu, China)
To overcome the drawbacks of high bulk density and bad applicability, in this study, straw ash was used as an additive to make unburned ceramsite which could be applied to sewage treatment. This method not only broadened the application of the unburned ceramsite and promoted unburned process, but also provided an economical and rational way to dispose fly ash and straw ash from power plant. The activity-excitation mechanism of fly ash, the function of primary components and the phase composition of ceramsite were studied in this research. The optimum process parameters were:5% NaOH solution pretreat fly ash, and the ratio of the components were fly ash of 58.11%, calcium oxide of 4.84%, cement of 29.05% and straw ash of 8%; The main characteristics index of ceramsite were shown as follows: bulk density of 785 kg/m3, specific surface area of 11.1 m2/g, broken rate of 2.3%. The ceramsite was tested on leaching toxicity and basic properties, and the results indicated that it was a proper way to make functional ceramsite of good property used in sewage treatment with straw ash as an additive raw material, and it achieved the purpose of economic energy conservation and waste treating.
Key words:  fly ash  unburned ceramsite  straw ash  light  sewage treatment 