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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHENG Chuanfeng,ZHAO Dajun,CHEN Chuanjing,ZHENG Shi,SONG Zhenfeng,ZHANG Ting.The test of the adhesion and cohesion strength of mineral aggregate contact surface under shear effect[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2013,45(4):110.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2013.04.020
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郑传峰1, 赵大军1, 陈传景1, 郑湜2, 宋振丰3, 张婷1
(1.吉林大学 建设工程学院, 130026 长春; 2.吉林省交通科学研究所,130021 长春;3.深圳市政设计研究院, 518029 广东 深圳) 
关键词:  沥青稳定碎石  矿料接触面  剪切荷载效应  粘附强度  粘结强度  定量测试
The test of the adhesion and cohesion strength of mineral aggregate contact surface under shear effect
ZHENG Chuanfeng1, ZHAO Dajun1, CHEN Chuanjing1, ZHENG Shi2, SONG Zhenfeng3, ZHANG Ting1
(1. College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University, 130026 Changchun, China;2. Jilin Provincial Communication Scientific Research Institute, 130021 Changchun, China;3. Shenzhen Municipal Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd., 518029 Shenzhen,Guangdong,China)
To analyze the mesoscopic strength characters of aggregate contact surface, the quantitative testing technology of adhesion strength between bitumen and aggregates and the cohesion strength of bitumen binder itself under shear load were researched. According to the failure forms and the corresponding relationship of shear adhesion strength between aggregates and bitumen, adhesion failure area, shear cohesion strength of bitumen binder, cohesion failure area and shear failure load, the shear cohesion strength and shear adhesion strength can be determined, and the quantitative test of adhesion and cohesion strength of mineral aggregate contact surface can be realized. The test results show that the experimental temperature and oil film thickness of mineral aggregate contact surface have a big influence on shear adhesion strength, besides, the quality of bitumen also has an effect on it. The shear adhesion strength of bitumen binder has strong correlation with experimental temperature and the quality of bitumen.
Key words:  bituminous stabilized macadam  mineral aggregate contact surface  shear load effect  adhesion strength  cohesion strength  quantitative test 