引用本文: | 谢玉鹏,谭学治,马琳,蒋梦雄,吴海燕,刘鑫.两种标准联合的认知无线电频谱分配算法[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2013,45(5):30.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2013.05.006 |
| XIE Yupeng,TAN Xuezhi,MA Lin,JIANG Mengxiong,WU Haiyan,LIU Xin.Spectrum allocation algorithm of combining two standards on cognitive radio system[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2013,45(5):30.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2013.05.006 |
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两种标准联合的认知无线电频谱分配算法 |
谢玉鹏1,2, 谭学治1, 马琳1, 蒋梦雄1, 吴海燕3, 刘鑫1
(1. 哈尔滨工业大学 电子与信息工程学院, 150080 哈尔滨; 2. 黑龙江科技大学 电子与信息工程学院, 150022 哈尔滨; 3. 国家开发银行, 150090 哈尔滨)
摘要: |
为了提高认知无线电系统频谱分配的公平性,本文提出了采用两种协作式标准计算子图的认知无线电系统的频谱分配算法.首先对一些子图采用CMSB标准,频谱分配完之后,对其他一些子图采用 CMPF标准.系统仿真结果表明,系统公平性相比于原来的改进的算法有了明显的提高,同时本文算法的瓶颈认知用户信道容量得到了较大程度的改善. |
关键词: 认知无线电 频谱分配 公平性 |
DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2013.05.006 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金委员会与中国民用航空局联合资助项目(61071104);国家科技重大专项"宽带多媒体集群系统技术验证(中速模式)(2011ZX03004-004);黑龙江省教育厅项目(12511475). |
Spectrum allocation algorithm of combining two standards on cognitive radio system |
XIE Yupeng 1,2, TAN Xuezhi1, MA Lin 1, JIANG Mengxiong 1, WU Haiyan 3, LIU Xin1
(1.School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150080 Harbin, China; 2.School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, 150022 Harbin, China; 3. China Development Bank, 150090 Harbin, China)
Abstract: |
To improve the system fairness of Spectrum Allocation on cognitive radio system, this paper presents a spectrum allocation algorithm of combining two standards on cognitive radio system. Firstly, some subgraphs allocate spectrum by using the Collaborative Max Sum Bandwidth (CMSB) standard, after finishing spectrum allocation, then other subgraphs adopt Collaborative Max Proportional Fair (CMPF) standards. Compared with the previous improved parallel algorithm, the simulation shows that the system fairness has been improved obviously, at the same time, the channel capacities of bottleneck cognitive users have been improved greatly. |
Key words: cognitive radio spectrum allocation fairness