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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

CHEN Yong,LI Longjian,CHENG Jing.Numerical computation of hydraulic transients in valve operating processes of LO2 delivery pipes[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2013,45(9):75.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2013.09.014
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陈勇1, 李隆键1, 程静2
(1.重庆大学 动力工程学院,400030 重庆; 2.西昌卫星发射中心技术部,615000 四川 西昌) 
为了预测航天器液氧输送系统中阀控动作产生的水力瞬变,考虑非稳态摩阻和波纹管弹性形变的影响,建立输送硬管、波纹软管、液氧贮罐及控制阀的数学模型,并利用求解一阶偏微分方程的特征线法和求解一元二次非线性方程的线性理论法对管路阀控瞬变进行数值计算. 通过变化计算条件,讨论不同阀特性、阀动作指数和动作时间对瞬变过程的影响. 计算结果表明:采用调节阀进行阀控动作产生的压力波动明显比截止阀小,调节阀比截止阀更容易控制液氧输送总量精度;延长调节阀关阀时间能够有效降低水击压力,延长截止阀关阀时间更多地表现为延长第一个水击波到达的时间,而不是水击压力的降低;阀动作指数m=1.0的调节阀采用快开慢关方案对瞬变过程控制最有利. 
关键词:  阀控  瞬变  特征线法  阀特性  阀动作指数  阀动作时间
Numerical computation of hydraulic transients in valve operating processes of LO2 delivery pipes
CHEN Yong1, LI Longjian1,CHENG Jing2
(1.College of Power Engineering, Chongqing University, 400030 Chongqing, China; Technology Department of Xichang Satellite Launch Center, 615000 Xichang, Sichuan, China)
To predict hydraulic transients of operating processes of control valve of LO2 delivery pipes for space vehicle, mathematical models of rigid pipe, corrugated pipe, LO2 tank and control valve were established on consideration of the influences of unsteady friction and corrugated pipe elastic deformation, numerical computation was carried out by method of characteristics to solve first order partial differential equation and method of linear theory to solve second order non-linear equation with single variable. Different influence to transient flow is discussed by changing flow characteristic, motion index and motion time of control valve. Calculations show that pressure surge in transient flow caused by operation of valve with equal percentage flow characteristic (VWEPFC) is significantly weaker than that of valve with quick opening flow characteristic(VWQOFC). The total accuracy of LO2 delivery is more easily controlled on operation of VWEPFC opposite to VWQOFC. Extending the closing time of VWEPFC could reduce the pressure surge efficiently, but the effect of extending the closing time of VWQOFC is mainly delayed arrival time rather than reduction of water hammer wave. Valve motion index of VWEPFC equal 1.0 and fast-opening along with slow-closing program is optimum to transient control of LO2 delivery pipes. 
Key words:  valve operations  transients  method of characteristics  valve inherent flow characteristic  valve motion index  valve motion time 