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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

JIANG Jinke,FANG Zongde,SU Jinzhan.Design and grinding for modified helical gears with a higher-order transmission error[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2014,46(9):43.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2014.09.008
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蒋进科, 方宗德, 苏进展
(西北工业大学 机电学院, 710072 西安)
为了提高齿面啮合性能,降低磨削误差,设计高阶传动误差与接触路径曲线,并结合承载接触分析(LTCA)通过优化承载传动误差(LTE)幅值最小确定待定的参数,根据齿条展成渐开线齿面原理,求解小轮法向拓扑修形曲面;建立基于成形砂轮轴向廓形与5轴联动CNC机床各轴运动敏感性分析的齿面修形模型,判断砂轮与齿面的接触状态,计算磨削误差,应用PSO优化算法得到机床各轴运动参数与砂轮廓形的修形曲线. 算例表明:优化的高阶传动误差在曲线转换点处是相切连接的,其拓扑修形曲面在啮入端近齿根、啮出端近齿顶处有较大的修形量,修形区域近似对角;中部有一定微小内凹的高阶传动误差可降低LTE幅值,减小轮齿振动,其内凹量大小与齿轮副工况有关,随载荷增加,最佳内凹量逐渐增大;经过成形砂轮进行主要的修形磨削及平面砂轮进行辅助的对角修形磨削可实现拓扑修形齿面加工,理论磨削误差小于2 μm.
关键词:  斜齿轮  拓扑修形  高阶传动误差  数控磨削  成形砂轮
Design and grinding for modified helical gears with a higher-order transmission error
JIANG Jinke, FANG Zongde, SU Jinzhan
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 710072 Xi’an,China)
An approach was proposed to reduce grinding errors and improve meshing performance. Firstly, both a controllable contact path and a high order transmission error(H-TE) curves were designed based on the TCA theory, and the parameters of curves were got by optimizing the minimum amplitude of LTE based on LTCA, and topologically modified tooth of pinion was determined according to movement of the rack generating involute tooth. Secondly, a free-form CNC grinding machine model of five-axis was established and kinematic relationships of the axes were derived. Besides,an error correction model based on a sensitivity analysis of the grinding wheel and the movement of five-axis was determined, and grinding error was established by estimating whether the wheel contact with the pinion, and the corrections were solved by using the PSO optimization algorithm. Finally, an example shows that the optimized higher-order transmission error curves is smooth at the intersect points, and topologically modified tooth is characteristics of more modification and proximal diagonal at engaging-in and engaging-out regions. Besides, a middle concave higher-order transmission error curve makes a smaller LTE amplitude, which helps to reduce vibration;Further more, the parameters of concave depends on working condition, and with the increasing of loads, the optimal parameters value increases. The modified tooth can be efficiently ground by slightly adjusting five-axis movement and the wheel profile according to the solved corrections and then by flat grinding wheel for diagonal correction, which effectively reduce the grinding errors to 2 μm.
Key words:  helical gear  topologically modified  higher-order transmission error  CNC grinding  forming wheel