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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

WANG Weida,WANG Yanzi,XIANG Changle,LIU Hui.Analysis of brake condition and parameter matching of hybrid energy storage system for hybrid electric vehicles[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2014,46(9):74.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2014.09.013
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王伟达, 王言子, 项昌乐, 刘辉
(北京理工大学 车辆传动国家重点实验室, 100081 北京)
为提高混合动力系统整体性能,实现高效能量回收,分析某重型越野车辆驾驶循环工况中制动过程的功率与能量分布,从制动能量回收率与电机参数出发讨论对储能装置的性能要求. 提出电池组-超级电容复合储能装置的参数匹配方法,针对21 t级试验样车混合动力系统进行实例计算,论证锂离子电池组与超级电容组成的复合储能装置的性能. 实例计算与道路试验结果表明:匹配的复合储能装置符合车辆整体性能与制动能量回收的要求,体积、重量满足总体设计约束;匹配超级电容后,储能装置的瞬时功率能力大幅提升,可显著提高车辆的制动能力和制动能量回收率.
关键词:  机电联合制动  制动工况分析  复合储能装置  参数匹配  超级电容
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51005017); 新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-12-0043).
Analysis of brake condition and parameter matching of hybrid energy storage system for hybrid electric vehicles
WANG Weida, WANG Yanzi, XIANG Changle, LIU Hui
(National Key Laboratory of Vehicle Transmission, Beijing Institute of Technology, 100081 Beijing, China)
According to the driving cycle of heavy off-road vehicles, the brake power and energy permutation is analyzed, and the performance requirement for the hybrid energy storage system(HESS) is achieved based on the brake energy recovery rate and motor parameters. The parameter matching method for the HESS is proposed and by which the instance calculation for the hybrid propulsion system of 21 tons class vehicles is carried out, and the performance of the HESS with Li-ion cells and ultra capacitors is discussed too. The instance calculation and the test results indicate that the designed HESS can meet the requirement of the total performance of the HEV and the brake energy recovery, the volume and weight answer for the restriction of the top design of the HEV. The designed HESS with ultra capacitors can increase the transient power volume greatly and the brake performance and the brake energy recovery rate are enhanced remarkably.
Key words:  electro-mechanical brake  analysis of brake condition  hybrid energy storage system  parameter matching  ultra capacitors