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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

MA Hongqiang,CHEN Jie,CAI Weihua,ZHENG Wenke,YAO Yang,JIANG Yiqiang.Numerical investigation on stress of plate-fin structures during cool-down of LNG heat exchanger[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2015,47(6):21.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2015.06.004
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(1.哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境与工程学院, 150090哈尔滨; 2.中国石油气电集团有限责任公司,100027 北京; 3.哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院, 150001哈尔滨)
为保证大型LNG冷箱降温过程中板翅式换热器结构安全可靠,建立了板翅结构应力耦合分析模型,采用热-结构直接耦合模拟方法,分析了降温过程对板翅结构应力的影响规律. 结果表明:翅片和隔板钎焊接头处为结构最易破坏区;温差对板翅结构应力影响较为明显,并随温差增大而增大;当温差小于10 K时,对流换热性能对板翅结构应力影响较小;当温差相等时,降温速率对板翅结构应力影响较小. 
关键词:  LNG  板翅结构  直接耦合  有限元方法
Numerical investigation on stress of plate-fin structures during cool-down of LNG heat exchanger
MA Hongqiang1, CHEN Jie2, CAI Weihua3, ZHENG Wenke1, YAO Yang1, JIANG Yiqiang1
(1.School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology,150090 Harbin, China; 2. CNOOC Gas and Power Group, 100027 Beijing, China; 3. School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150001 Harbin, China)
In order to ensure the structural safety of plate-fin heat exchanger, a model was proposed to simulate the stress of plate-fin structures in the cool-down process. The stress of plate-fin structures was investigated in the cool-down process based on directly coupled Finite Element Method. The results showed that the most easily damaged area happened in the brazed joint between fin and plate in the cool-down process. At the same time, the stress was obviously influenced by the temperature difference between natural gas (NG) and mixture refrigerant (MR) and increased with increasing temperature difference. The heat transfer performance had little influence on the stress of plate-fin structures when the temperature difference between NG and MR was less than 10 K. The stress of plate-fin structures was also slightly impacted by the temperature drop rate as the temperature drop rate of NG was the same as that of MR in the cool-down process.
Key words:  LNG  plate-fin structures  direct coupling  finite element method