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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

WU Changguang,XIA Lili,LIN Yaoyu,WANG Yaowu,GONG Yongxi,ZHANG Wenmin.Analysis oncharacteristics of thermal environments in typical residential districts and its influencing factors in Shenzhen[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2015,47(6):59.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2015.06.011
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(深圳市城市规划与决策仿真重点实验室(哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院),518055广东 深圳)
为进一步明确住区用地强度与城市热环境的关联性,选取深圳市城中村、多层住区、高层住区为研究对象,以Landsat5 TM影像和建筑普查数据为数据源,定量分析了3类住区地表温度特征及其与相关规划建设因子的关联度.结果表明:3类住区均存在不同程度的热岛效应,其中城中村平均热岛强度最大3.53 ℃,多层住区次之2.62 ℃,高层住区最小1.60 ℃;住区地表温度与建筑密度呈正相关,与地表湿度、植被覆盖、建筑平均高度、建筑平均最近邻距离、容积率呈负相关;多元逐步回归分析表明,地表湿度和建筑平均高度是引起城市住区地表温度分异的主导因子.该研究可为城市住区热环境的评估与优化提供理论依据.
关键词:  城中村  多层住区  高层住区  热环境  地表温度  深圳市
Analysis oncharacteristics of thermal environments in typical residential districts and its influencing factors in Shenzhen
WU Changguang, XIA Lili, LIN Yaoyu, WANG Yaowu, GONG Yongxi, ZHANG Wenmin
(Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Urban Planning and Decision Making (Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School), 518055 Shenzhen, Guangdong, China)
In orderto have a better understanding of the relationship between residential development and urban thermal environment, three typical residential districts in the downtown area of Shenzhen including high-density city village, multi-storey residential district and high-rise residential district were investigated in this study.The characteristics of land surface temperature (LST) in residential district and its relationship to the parameters of residential development were also quantitatively analyzed using Landsat5 TM and construction census data. The results showed that the heat island effects were observed in these residential districts.The average heat island intensities for high-density city village, multi-storey residential district and high-rise residential district were 3.53 ℃, 2.62 ℃ and 1.60 ℃, respectively. The LST in residential districts was positively correlated with building density, but negatively correlated with surface humidity, vegetation coverage, building average height, building mean nearest neighbor distance and plot ratio. Additionally, the multiple linear stepwise regression analysis indicated that surface humidity and building average height were the major factors for the variations of LST in the residential districts. Au these results will provide valuable information for the quantitative evaluation and optimization of thermal environment in urban residential districts.
Key words:  high-density city village  multi-storey residential district  high-rise residential district  thermal environment  land surface temperature  Shenzhen