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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

WANG Jinling,GAO Ye.The influence of ship tail structure to airwake on helicopter operation area[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2016,48(10):148.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2016.10.022
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(哈尔滨工程大学 航天与建筑工程学院,哈尔滨 150001)
为研究舰船尾部结构对流场环境的影响,以典型护卫舰简化模型SFS1为对象,选用通用软件ANSYS ICEM划分结构化网格并用ANSYS FLUENT标准k-ε湍流模型模拟了机库门开闭不同状态、不同机库高度及不同飞行甲板长度等特征结构的变化对直升机操作区气流场的影响.通过分析流场中的速度、压力等物理量,对比了不同工况下的流场环境.对比结果显示,机库高度越低、飞行甲板长度越长舰载机操作区的流场环境越好,机库门半开时流场环境较机库门关闭和全开状态时差,但是机库门关闭和全开两种状态相比没有明显的优劣之分.这可为在役舰船的改造和再建舰船的优化设计提供理论依据和数据支持,进而有效改善舰载机起降时的流场环境,提高海军指挥直升机进行安全着舰的能力.
关键词:  空气流场  舰船结构  数值模拟  护卫舰  湍流模型
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (11372079)
The influence of ship tail structure to airwake on helicopter operation area
WANG Jinling, GAO Ye
(College of Aerospace and Civil Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China)
In order to study the influence of ship tail structure on the airwake, the simple frigate shape SFS1 has been chosen for this study and the numerical simulation of ship airwakes hasbeen performed. The ANSYS FLUENT standard turbulence model is used on the structured grids generated byANSYS ICEM. The influences of the closing/opening state of the hangar, the hangar height and the flight deck length were simulated. The ship airwakes in different conditions were compared by analysing the physical parameters such as the velocity and pressure. It is shown that: the flow field environment will become better when the hangar height becomes lower and the flight deck beomes longer; the airwake becomes worse when the door is ajar than that when the door is closed or open; while neither airwake is superior when the door of hangar is closed or open completely. The present work will provide theory and data support for the modification of ship in service and the improvement of ship in construction,which will improve the ship airwake for shipboard aircrafts, and the capability to command and control the launch and recovery of shipboard aircraft.
Key words:  airwake  ship structure  numerical simulation  frigate  turbulence model