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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

JI Wenyu,LI Wangwang,WANG Jue.Experiment alanalysis on flexural ductility of prestressed RPC-NC composite beam[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2017,49(6):21.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201606036
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(交通基础设施安全风险管理交通运输部重点实验室(北京交通大学),北京 100044)
为有效推动高性能材料在现代桥梁结构中的应用以满足快速发展的高速铁路技术,本文设计并制作了10根预应力活性粉末混凝土 (RPC)-普通混凝土 (NC) 叠合梁和1根预应力纯NC梁,通过试验方法研究了高性能材料RPC在梁结构中应用后叠合梁的抗弯延性性能,并以叠合梁跨中位移延性系数进行描述.试验主要考虑了RPC高度、预应力比率、NC等级等因素对叠合梁抗弯延性的影响.研究结果表明:随着RPC高度的增加,叠合梁截面配筋指数降低,抗弯位移延性系数增大;随着钢绞线根数的增多,预应力比率增大,位移延性系数相应增大;叠合梁上部NC等级提高后,脆性破坏特征并不明显,抗弯位移延性系数增大.由于RPC材料优异的力学性能以及钢纤维的作用提高了叠合梁在出现峰值荷载后的变形能力,使得其抗弯位移延性要明显优于纯NC梁,可见RPC材料在拥有高强度的同时具有良好的延性特征.同时以试验数据为基础,拟合出适用于预应力RPC-NC叠合梁抗弯位移延性系数的计算公式.
关键词:  活性粉末混凝土  普通混凝土  叠合梁  配筋指数  预应力比率  位移延性
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51278040); 教育部中央高校基本科研业务费(2014YJS106)
Experiment alanalysis on flexural ductility of prestressed RPC-NC composite beam
JI Wenyu,LI Wangwang,WANG Jue
(Security Risk Management of Transportation Infrastructure (Beijng Jiaotong University), Beijing 100044,China)
Promoting the application of high performance material in modern bridge structures in order to meet the rapid development of high-speed railway technology, 10 pre-stressed reactive powder concrete (RPC)-normal concrete (NC) composite beams and 1 pre-stressed pure NC beam were designed and fabricated to investigate the flexural ductility of composite beams with the high performance material RPC, which was evaluated by the displacement ductility ratio at mid-span of composite beam. In this paper the effect of the height of RPC, the pre-stress ratio and degree of NC were mainly considered on the flexural ductility of composite beam. The results show that the sectional reinforced index decreases and the flexural displacement ductility ratio increases with the increasing height of RPC. Both the pre-stress ratio and flexural ductility increase with the increasing of steel strand number. The flexural ductility increases with the grade of upper NC as the brittle failure feature is not obvious. The deformation capacity of composite beam after the appearance of peak load increase, and the flexural ductility is significantly better than NC beam because of the excellent mechanical properties of RPC and the effect of steel fibers. It can be observed that the RPC has both high strength and good ductility. The fitting formula to calculate the flexural ductility of composite beams was proposed simultaneously based on the test results.
Key words:  reactive powder concrete  normal concrete  composite beam  reinforced index  pre-stress ratio  displacement ductility