引用本文: | 张杰,成朔,李冬,吕育锋,曹瑞华,王艳菊.AUSB中置曝气启动连续流全程自养脱氮工艺[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2018,50(2):1.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367?6234.201706066 |
| ZHANG Jie,CHENG Shuo,LI Dong,Lü Yufeng,CAO Ruihua,WANG Yanju.Development of continuous flow CANON process in the middle-setting aerated AUSB reactor[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2018,50(2):1.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367?6234.201706066 |
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AUSB中置曝气启动连续流全程自养脱氮工艺 |
(1.水质科学与水环境恢复工程北京市重点实验室(北京工业大学),北京100124; 2.城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室(哈尔滨工业大学),哈尔滨150090)
摘要: |
为优化连续流全程自养脱氮工艺的启动,在常温((25±1) ℃)下,于中置、底部曝气的两组AUSB(1#、2#)中比较连续流CANON工艺的启动过程,及不同氮负荷(NLR, RNL)下脱氮性能的差异.结果表明:1#、2#分别于第55天、70天成功启动低氨氮(90 mg/L)CANON工艺; 在逐步提高NLR进程中,二者均在HRT=6 h工况下脱氮负荷(NRR, RNR)达到该阶段最高水平,分别为0.280、0.256 kg/(m3·d); 实验后期,1#保持高效的脱氮状态,特征值(Δρ(TN)/Δρ(NO3--N))稳定在7.83,而2#运行125 d后特征值降至7.49,NOB活性增强.中置曝气AUSB结合同步亚硝化/厌氧氨氧化(SNA)和交替亚硝化/厌氧氨氧化(ANA)双重路径完成自养脱氮,得益于较高的好氧氨氧化菌(AOB)和厌氧氨氧化菌(AnAOB)活性,及对亚硝酸盐氧化菌(NOB)的有效抑制,实现了较高的总氮去除率,达74.98%(第140天).AUSB中置曝气可缩短连续流CANON工艺的启动时间,并实现长期稳定的自养脱氮.
关键词: CANON AUSB 中置曝气 底部曝气 常温低氨氮 |
DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367?6234.201706066 |
分类号:X703.1 |
文献标识码:A |
基金项目:北京市市委组织部青年拔尖团队项目(2014000026833TD02) |
Development of continuous flow CANON process in the middle-setting aerated AUSB reactor |
ZHANG Jie1,2,CHENG Shuo1,LI Dong1,Lü Yufeng1,CAO Ruihua1,WANG Yanju1
(1.Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering(Beijing University of Technology), Beijing 100124, China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment(Harbin Institute of Technology), Harbin 150090, China)
Abstract: |
To optimize the initiation of continuous flow CANON process, the research compared startup course and nitrogen removal performance under distinct NLR in room temperature ((25±1) ℃) between two sets of AUSB reactors, one of which was middle-setting aeration (1#), and the other was bottom-setting aeration (2#). The results showed that 1#, 2# successfully started CANON process treating domestic wastewater with relatively low ammonium concentration (90 mg/L) in 55 d and 70 d respectively. In the progress of increasing nitrogen loading rate gradually, both of them gained the highest nitrogen removal rate, which was 0.280 kg/(m3·d) for 1#, and 0.256 kg/(m3·d) for 2# under the condition of HRT=6 h. In later operation, 1# maintained efficient nitrogen removal status whose eigenvalue (Δρ(TN)/Δρ(NO3--N)) remained around 7.83, however, eigenvalue of 2# decreased to 7.49 after 125 d operation owing to the activity of NOB strengthened. The middle-setting aerated AUSB accomplished a higher total nitrogen removal rate which was 74.98% through the combination with simultaneous nitritation-Anammox (SNA) and alternate nitritation-Anammox (ANA) double pathways, which was ascribed to the enhancement of AOB and AnAOB activity and the effective suppression on NOB. Middle-setting aerated AUSB could shorten starting period of continuous flow CANON process, and furthermore realize long-term stable autotrophic nitrogen removal.
Key words: CANON AUSB middle-setting aeration bottom-setting aeration low ammonia at room temperature |