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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

HAN Xiaoyu,SUN Yanfang,ZHANG Shujun,LI Xing,CAO Xiangsheng,PENG Yongzhen.Effect of influent ammonia concentration on CANON process for two sludge systems[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2018,50(2):40.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201705060
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(1.哈尔滨工业大学 环境学院, 哈尔滨 150090; 2.北京工业大学 建筑工程学院,北京市水质科学与水环境恢复 工程重点实验室,北京 100124;3.北京城市排水集团有限责任公司科技研发中心,北京 100022; 4.北京市污水资源化工程技术研究中心, 北京 100124)
为考察氨氮质量浓度对不同污泥系统的CANON工艺的冲击影响, 在温度(30±1) ℃、pH 7~8的条件下, 研究了两个稳定运行的高氨氮废水颗粒污泥系统和颗粒絮体混合系统的CANON工艺,在进水氨氮质量浓度突然降低后的脱氮性能.颗粒污泥系统在FA质量浓度为34、20和10 mg/L条件下,CANON工艺短程硝化反应运行稳定,硝态氮生成量与氨氮消耗量的比值小于0.11;颗粒和絮体混合的污泥系统在FA质量浓度为33 mg/L条件下短程硝化运行稳定,FA质量浓度降低至16 mg/L时硝态氮生成量与氨氮消耗量的比值接近0.11,系统内NOB活性得到恢复,在FA质量浓度为7 mg/L条件下系统内NOB活性得到完全恢复,硝态氮生成量与氨氮消耗量的比值升高至0.37.研究结果表明, 颗粒污泥系统相比颗粒和絮体混合的污泥系统具有更好的抗冲击能力, 较短的沉淀时间是维持颗粒污泥CANON工艺稳定运行的关键; 短程硝化被破坏后, 再次增加进水氨氮的质量浓度可恢复对NOB活性的抑制.污泥粒径的分布可较为直观地反映系统的稳定性, 可参考系统内污泥粒径的分布规律判断CANON工艺的脱氮性能.定量PCR表明, 随着进水氨氮质量浓度的突然降低, ANAMMOX丰度有明显的减少, NOB丰度有明显的增长, 颗粒出现了解体的现象.
关键词:  全程自养脱氮  厌氧氨氧化  颗粒污泥  游离氨抑制
Effect of influent ammonia concentration on CANON process for two sludge systems
HAN Xiaoyu1,SUN Yanfang2,ZHANG Shujun3,4,LI Xing2,CAO Xiangsheng2,PENG Yongzhen1
(1.School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China; 2.Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environmental Recovery Engineering, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China;3.Research and Development Center of Beijing Drainage Group Technology, Beijing 100022, China;4. Beijing Engineering Research Center for Wastewater Reuse, Beijing 100124, China)
To study the impact of ammonia nitrogen concentration on the CANON process in different sludge systems, the nitrogen removal performance was researched by the sudden decrease of the influent ammonia concentration in the stable operation of the granule and combined floc-granule CANON process at the temperature of (30±1) ℃ and the pH of 7-8. Under the conditions of FA concentrations at 34, 20 and 10 mg/L, the short cut nitrification of the granule system was stable, and the ratio of nitrate increase/ammonia consumption was less than 0.11. When the FA concentration was 33 mg/L, the short cut nitrification operated stably in the combined floc-granule CANON system. When the concentration of FA was decreased to 16 mg/L, the ratio of nitrate increase/ammonia consumption was close to 0.11 and the NOB activity was recovered slightly. When the concentration of FA was decreased to 7 mg/L, the ratio of nitrate increase/ammonia consumption reached to 0.37 and the NOB activity was fully recovered. The results show that the granular sludge system has better resistance to shock loads compared to the combined floc-granule system, and the shorter settling time is the key to ensure the stable operation of granular sludge system. After the partial nitrification was destroyed, the activity of NOB was effectively inhibited by increasing ammonia concentration. The distribution rule of sludge size can be used to determine the stability of the reaction system, and the nitrogen removal performance of CANON process in this study. The quantitative PCR results show that, the abundance of ANAMMOX has obvious decreasing when the ammonia concentration decreased, and the abundance of NOB has obvious growth with the granules disaggregation.
Key words:  completely autotrophic nitrogen removal  ANAMMOX  granular sludge  free ammonia inhibition