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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

CUI Yaping,XIE Jingchao,ZHANG Xiaojing,LIU Jiaping.Sea-land climate differences and ocean building climate partition situation in our country[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2018,50(2):191.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201709096
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(绿色建筑环境与节能技术北京市重点实验室(北京工业大学),北京 100124)
在国家积极推进300万平方公里海洋国土建设的方针政策下,如何在海域岛礁建造超低能耗建筑受到研究者越来越多的关注.为探究目前中国海域建筑气候分区归属的科学准确性,通过同纬度海陆气候对比以及不同海区海陆气候对比两个不同角度分析了海洋的气候特征,并根据国家现行建筑气候分区标准确定了各海陆对比组中内陆城市及海岛县(或海域岛礁)的建筑气候分区归属情况.结果表明:海陆气候差异性大,主要体现在二者空调度日数CDD26差值大,海岛县(海域岛礁)的日较差小及风速大;海陆空调度日数CDD26、年较差及太阳辐射的差异性随不同海区而异;中国现行建筑气候分区标准不适用于海洋地区;有必要针对海洋地区进行建筑气候区划,且海洋地区气候区划研究中,南海区较北海区、东海区复杂.该研究对中国海洋地区能够具备科学准确的气候分区归属具有推动作用, 进而可为海洋地区建筑室内热舒适性及超低能耗建筑的设计研究奠定理论基础.
关键词:  海域建筑气候区划  海陆气候差异性  空调度日数  日较差  风速  标准不适用
Sea-land climate differences and ocean building climate partition situation in our country
CUI Yaping,XIE Jingchao,ZHANG Xiaojing,LIU Jiaping
(Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Built Environment and Energy Efficient Technology (Beijing University of Technology), Beijing 100124, China)
As active promotion of the construction of 3 million square kilometers ocean territory in China, the design of ultra-low-energy buildings in ocean areas has attracted more and more researchers' attention. To investigate the scientific accuracy of climate partition in ocean areas, the article firstly analyzed the climatic characteristics in ocean areas from two different angles—climate comparisons between sea and land, as well as among different sea regions, and then determined the climate partition of inland cities and island counties (or ocean island-reefs) according to current climate zoning standards. The results presented the wide differences between sea and land, which were reflected in the aspects of CDD26, daily temperature range and wind speed. The diversities for CDD26, annual temperature range and solar radiation vary in different sea regions. Additionally, building climate partition standard performed by our countries now is inapplicable for ocean areas. Therefore, it's necessary to establish building climate partition for ocean areas which is distinguished from the inland areas, and the south sea region is more complex than north or east sea regions. This study can prompt ocean areas to form scientific climate partition, and lay a theoretical foundation for the indoor thermal comfort research and the design of ultra-low-energy buildings in ocean areas.
Key words:  ocean building climate partition  sea-land climate differences  CDD26  daily temperature range  wind speed  inapplicability for standard