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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

LEI Tingting,ZOU Guangtian.Interactive design for commercial buildings based on virtual reality[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2020,52(12):170.DOI:10.11918/201907050
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(1.哈尔滨工业大学 建筑学院,哈尔滨 150006; 2.寒地城乡人居环境科学与技术工业和 信息化部重点实验室(哈尔滨工业大学),哈尔滨 150006)
为探索满足当代消费者行为需求的商业建筑设计方法,立足于“互动设计”方法理论,应用虚拟现实、行为模拟仿真等技术对商业建筑设计方法进行创新.首先,通过对意大利米兰商业建筑问卷调查,借助SPSS相关性分析解释消费行为的影响因素.然后,在此基础上应用虚拟现实技术,对商业建筑设计方案进行三维呈现,以商业空间标识系统设计为例,预设低明度色系且颜色和形态单一呈现的标识集合A和采用高明度色系与多变形态的标识集合B,展开三维动态视景和行为模拟.最后,依托ResNet图像识别技术分析用户的视觉体验与使用效果. 研究结果表明: 平面布局、空间识别性、室内空间熟悉度与使用频率存在显著相关性,视觉感知是选择商业建筑的主要驱动因素;应用商业标识对比分析发现集合B的置信度的平均值与平均识别用时均小于集合A,表明标识系统设计应用明快的颜色和多变的形态更容易被使用者所关注和接受.应用商业建筑互动设计方法展开商业建筑空间设计有助于提升空间吸引力与用户体验.
关键词:  商业建筑  互动设计  虚拟现实  空间感知  标识系统设计
Interactive design for commercial buildings based on virtual reality
LEI Tingting1,2,ZOU Guangtian1,2
(1.School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150006, China; 2.Key Laboratory of Cold Region Urban and Rural Human Settlement Environment Science and Technology (Harbin Institute of Technology), Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Harbin 150006, China)
To meet the behavioral needs of contemporary consumers, based on the “interactive design” theory, the research technologies of virtual reality and behavior simulation were applied to improve the design method of commercial buildings. First, a questionnaire survey of the interior space of commercial buildings in Milan was carried out, and the influencing factors of consumer behaviors were explained by relevance analysis via statistical software SPSS. Then, the commercial interior space in three-dimensional dynamic scene was obtained by using the virtual reality technology. Taking the signage system design of commercial space as an example, the signage system set A with single color and low brightness and single form and set B with high brightness color and different shapes were preset, and virtual dynamic scene and behavior simulation were conducted. Finally, the ResNet image recognition technology was adopted to analyze users’ visual experience and use effect. Results show that the plan layout, spatial recognition, and spatial familiarity had significant correlation with usage frequency. Visual perception was the main driving factor in choosing commercial buildings. Comparative analysis of commercial signage system shows that the mean values of the degree of confidence and the average recognition time of set B were less than those of set A, indicating that the design of bright colors and different shapes of signage system is more likely to be concerned and accepted by users. Using the interactive design method to develop commercial building design is helpful to improve the attraction of interior space of commercial buildings.
Key words:  commercial buildings  interactive design  virtual reality  spatial perception  signage system design