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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

MA Zhaoyou,FANG Shouen,LIU Shuo,SU Donglan.Traffic organization method for super-long tunnels adjacent to interchanges[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2021,53(3):51.DOI:10.11918/202005091
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(1.道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室(同济大学),上海 201804;2.道路交通安全公安部重点实验室 (公安部交通管理科学研究所),江苏 无锡 214151; 3.苏州科技大学 土木工程学院,江苏 苏州 215011)
为响应毗邻互通立交特长隧道换道通行的客观需求,解决交通组织中车道控制方式和控制路段长度问题,通过防侧滑和防侧翻临界安全状态分析,建立了基于最小车头时距的车辆变道最小安全距离模型,测算特长隧道洞内或连接段变道最小安全距离. 针对单向3条车道及以上特长隧道存在二次变道的实际情况,以保证前后车保持安全距离变道为目标,构建了单次、两次变道成功概率模型,测算连接段安全变道成功的概率. 借助Vissim仿真技术对特长隧道的交通组织方案、车道控制方式进行类比分析,综合考虑特长隧道运行安全性和通行效率,提出了以车辆延误、损失时间、平均速度和车道变换次数等指标比选交通组织方案,以每车平均延误、每车停车次数、车辆密度、延误比以及行驶速度等指标比选车道控制方式. 结果表明:毗邻互通立交特长隧道应进行连接段安全变道最小距离验算,并进行基于安全距离单次及两次变道成功概率测算;在连接段长度不满足安全变道条件时,宜采取驶出匝道车辆在特长隧道内完成车道变换的交通组织方案.
关键词:  交通安全  特长隧道  交通组织  车道控制  变道行为
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2018YFE0102700); 公安部科技强警项目(2019GABJC24)
Traffic organization method for super-long tunnels adjacent to interchanges
MA Zhaoyou1,2,FANG Shouen1,LIU Shuo1,SU Donglan3
(1.Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education (Tongji University), Shanghai 201804, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Public Security (Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security), Wuxi 214151, Jiangsu, China; 3. School of Civil Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215011, Jiangsu, China)
To meet the objective demands of changing lanes in super-long tunnels adjacent to interchanges, and to solve the problems of lane control and length control in traffic organization, through the analysis of the critical safety status of anti-sideslip and anti-overturning, a model was established based on the minimum headway to calculate the minimum safe distance for lane changes in super-long tunnels or connection sections. Aiming at the requirement of double lane changes for three-lane one-way tunnels and above, in order to ensure a safe distance between front and rear vehicles for lane changes, a probability model was constructed for single and double lane changes to measure the success probability of safe lane changes in connection sections. Aided by the Vissim simulation technology, the analogy analysis of traffic organization methods and lane control methods of super-long tunnels was carried out. Considering the operating safety and traffic efficiency of super-long tunnels, the traffic organization methods could be selected based on the indicators of vehicle delay, lost time, average speed, and the number of lane changes, and the lane control methods could be selected based on the average delay per vehicle, the number of parking times per vehicle, vehicle density, delay ratio, and driving speed. Results show that the minimum distance of connection sections of super-long tunnels adjacent to interchanges should be checked for the minimum distance of safe lane changes, and the success probability of single and double lane changes should be measured based on the safe distance. For the connection sections which cannot meet the length requirements, the traffic organization method that the off-ramp vehicles complete the lane changes in the super-long tunnels is suggested.
Key words:  traffic safety  super-long tunnel  traffic organization  lane control  lane changing behavior