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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

HAN Xiaodong,ZHAO Yue,YANG Yanze,Aü Siha,ZHOU Changdong.Experimental study on eccentric compression behavior of hybrid strengthened square timber columns[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2021,53(4):195.DOI:10.11918/202005092
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(北京交通大学 土木建筑工程学院,北京 100044)
为解决古建木柱的加固、修复等问题, 探究一种经济可行、效果显著的加固方法,将7根方形木柱以内嵌钢筋外包碳纤维布复合加固的方法进行加固试验,研究其在偏心受压情况下承载力、延性等力学性能的变化,主要考虑嵌筋的数量和受压偏心距两种因素的影响。试验结果表明:采用间隔包裹一层CFRP布同时嵌筋的方法复合加固的木柱破坏主要发生在纤维布之间的间隔段,而且相比于未加固的木柱其破坏时表现出更好的整体性;偏心距为0时,木柱的4个侧面均发生破坏现象,而随着偏心距的增大,木柱仅在偏压侧发生破坏;在偏心距相同的情况下,采用该复合加固方法加固后的木柱在承载力和延性性能方面均得到明显提升和改善,提升幅度随嵌筋数量的增加而增大;加固方式相同时,偏心距由0增加到50 mm,木柱的承载力降低显著,而延性系数变化不大。
关键词:  木柱  内嵌钢筋  碳纤维布  复合加固  偏心受压  承载力  延性
Experimental study on eccentric compression behavior of hybrid strengthened square timber columns
HAN Xiaodong,ZHAO Yue,YANG Yanze,Aü Siha,ZHOU Changdong
(School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)
To tackle the problems of strengthening and repairing ancient timber columns, this paper proposes an economic and feasible method of strengthening. Seven square timber columns were strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips and steel bars to investigate changes in bearing capacity and ductility under eccentric compression, mainly considering the amount of embedded bars and the eccentricity of timber columns. Test results show that the failure of the hybrid strengthened timber column which was wrapped with a layer of CFRP strips at intervals and embedded with steel bars occurred mainly in the interval between the CFRP strips, indicating a better integrity than the unstrengthened timber columns. When the eccentricity was 0, all four sides of the timber column were destroyed; with the eccentricity increased, the timber column was destroyed only on the pressure side. Under the same eccentricity, the bearing capacity and ductility of the hybrid strengthened timber columns were improved obviously, and the extent of improvement increased with the increase of the amount of steel bars. With the same strengthening method, when the eccentricity increased from 0 to 50 mm, the bearing capacity of the timber column decreased significantly, but the ductility coefficient was little affected.
Key words:  timber column  embedded steel bar  CFRP strip  hybrid strengthening  eccentric compression  load bearing capacity  ductility