引用本文: | 汪语哲,张津淼,马海萍,李辉,米霞,高天一,史小平.波动气候下高校少数民族学生热适应性分析[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2021,53(6):27.DOI:10.11918/201905214 |
| WANG Yuzhe,ZHANG Jinmiao,MA Haiping,LI Hui,MI Xia,GAO Tianyi,SHI Xiaoping.Analysis of thermal adaptability of ethnic minority students in universities under fluctuating climatic conditions[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2021,53(6):27.DOI:10.11918/201905214 |
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波动气候下高校少数民族学生热适应性分析 |
(1.哈尔滨工业大学 控制与仿真中心,哈尔滨 150001; 2.大连民族大学 机电工程学院,辽宁 大连 116600; 3.大数据应用技术国家民委重点实验室(大连民族大学), 辽宁 大连 116600)
摘要: |
热感觉是人类对于周围温度、湿度等环境的感知.为研究少数民族群体在波动气候环境下的热感觉,使其能更快适应异地环境,对冬季大连教室环境进行现场测试,对来自不同气候分区的80名汉族学生、88名少数民族学生(回族24名、蒙古族12名和土家族14名等其他少数民族)的着装、热感觉进行问卷调查,分别对调查结果进行回归分析,将不同少数民族的数据,进行对比并分析差异原因,同时对实验结果进行验证. 结果表明:少数民族学生舒适度满意区间为18.5℃~19.4℃,与汉族热感觉存在差异. 根据TSV模型得出各民族学生实际的热中性温度,分别为:回族18.5℃、蒙古族16.9℃和土家族15.0℃.经分析PMV模型并不能准确预测真实热感觉,本研究根据热感觉适应性模型(aPMV)为各民族提出了λ参考值,分别为:回族-0.79、蒙古族-0.90和土家族0.97.不同民族指标存在较大差异,表明学生对当地气候具有一定适应性,而到大连求学伴随着气候波动,使学生不能快速适应新环境. 基于此利用aPMV模型对少数民族学生的热感觉进行预测,并提供了实验室热工改造方案. |
关键词: 少数民族学生 热感觉 适应性热感觉模型 预测热感觉模型 波动气候环境 |
DOI:10.11918/201905214 |
分类号:TU111.1 |
文献标识码:A |
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费(2020fwgj044);大连市青年科技之星项目(2017RQ022) |
Analysis of thermal adaptability of ethnic minority students in universities under fluctuating climatic conditions |
WANG Yuzhe1,3,ZHANG Jinmiao2,MA Haiping2,LI Hui2,MI Xia2,GAO Tianyi2,SHI Xiaoping1
(1.Control and Simulation Centre, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China; 2.College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Dalian Minzu University, Dalian 116600, Liaoning, China; 3.Key Laboratory of Big Data Applied Technology (Dalian Minzu University), State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Dalian 116600, Liaoning, China)
Abstract: |
Thermal sensation is human’s perception of the surrounding temperature, humidity, and other environments. In order to study the thermal sensation of ethnic minority groups in fluctuating climatic environments and make them adapt to different environments more quickly, the classroom environment of Dalian in winter was tested on the spot, and the clothing and thermal sensation of 80 Han students and 88 ethnic minority students (24 Hui, 12 Mongol, 14 Tujia, and other minorities) from different climatic zones were investigated by questionnaires. The results were analyzed by regression. The data of different ethnic minorities were compared, the reasons for the differences were analyzed, and the experimental results were verified. Results show that the comfortable temperature range of the minority students was between 18.5 ℃ and 19.4 ℃, which was different from that of Han students. According to the thermal sensory voting (TSV) model, the actual thermal neutral temperatures of students of different ethnics were 18.5 ℃ for Hui, 16.9 ℃ for Mongol, and 15.0 ℃ for Tujia. The predicted mean vote (PMV) model could not accurately predict the true thermal sensation. On the basis of the thermal sensation adaptability model (aPMV), parameter λ was put forward as a reference for all ethnicgroups, namely, Hui -0.79, Mongol -0.90, and Tujia 0.97. There were great differences in the indicators of different ethnics. It indicates that students have certain adaptability to the local climate, while studying in Dalian is accompanied by climate fluctuations, which makes students unable to adapt quickly to the new environment. Hence, the aPMV model was used to predict the thermal sensation of ethnic minority students, and a scheme of laboratory thermal reconstruction was provided. |
Key words: ethnic minority students thermal sensation adaptive thermal sensation model predicting thermal sensation models fluctuating climatic environments |