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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHANG Siyu,ZHANG Yonggan,LIU Sihong,LU Yang.Evolution of Brazilian splitting tensile strength and its associated fracture energy in expansive soil[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2023,55(11):125.DOI:10.11918/202303043
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(1.河海大学水利水电学院,南京 210098;2.大坝长效特性及环保修复技术中西联合实验室(河海大学),南京 210098)
关键词:  膨胀土  巴西劈裂试验  临界含水率  抗拉强度  破坏能
Evolution of Brazilian splitting tensile strength and its associated fracture energy in expansive soil
ZHANG Siyu1,ZHANG Yonggan1,LIU Sihong1,2,LU Yang1,2
(1.College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; 2.International Joint Laboratory of Long-term Behaviour & Environmentally Friendly Rehabilitation Technologies on Dams(Hohai University), Nanjing 210098, China)
In order to explore the tensile strength and the evolution of fracture characteristics of expansive soil, this study aims to provide a comprehensive description of tensile failure characteristics. The applicability of Brazilian splitting test in the determination of tensile strength of expansive soil samples was verified by experiments. Building upon this, effects of dry density and water content on tensile strength and energy evolution during the loading of expansive soil samples were systematically discussed . The results showed that the Brazilian splitting test was suitable for remodeled expansive soil samples within the test range. The tensile strength of soil decreased with the increase of water content, and the reduction is more significant with higher dry density. Besides, the tensile strength increased with the increase of initial dry density, and the increment became smaller with higher water content. The fracture energy of expansive soil samples has a similar trend to the tensile strength, but there is a “critical water content” at which the fracture energy showed an approximate bi-linear decrease with increasing water content. Moreover, the “critical water content” increased with the initial dry density of the samples. The research results have extended the application scope of the Brazilian splitting test and provided engineering insights on using energy index as the auxiliary measures for assessing of soil resistance to destruction.
Key words:  expansive soil  Brazilian splitting test  critical water content  tensile strength  destructive energy