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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

YU Yue,SUI Chunguang,LEI Yongwang,GUO Quanquan.Shear performance of steel-plate concrete wall-reinforced concrete slab connection joint[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2025,57(1):92.DOI:10.11918/202310072
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(1.中国核电工程有限公司,北京 100840;2.北京航空航天大学 交通科学与工程学院,北京 100191)
模块化技术正在推动新一代核电厂的设计和发展,兼具优良工作性能和工业化施工性能的钢板混凝土(SC)结构在模块化结构具有广泛应用前景。SC墙-RC楼板连接节点作为SC模块结构与RC结构之间的典型传力构件,其结构设计必须既要保证荷载的有效传递,又要考虑模块化施工的可行性。为研究SC墙-RC楼板连接节点抗剪性能,设计并完成了2个“薄墙厚板型”SC墙-RC楼板连接节点循环加载试验,包括GB/T 51340—2018建议的钢筋连接器连接、附加抗剪键等两种连接方式。试验结果表明:在剪跨比1.50下试件均发生RC楼板弯剪破坏,节点主要传力破坏路径为加载端至楼板根部的斜压杆区域,说明节点结合面不配置抗剪键仍满足抗剪要求;试验过程中,直螺纹钢筋套筒无滑脱、未发生钢筋或焊缝拉断,延性系数均大于4,说明钢筋连接器连接的传力性能良好,可作为SC墙-RC楼板连接节点的有效连接方式;该节点核心区仍属于抗剪薄弱区域,若要满足“全强度连接”设计准则,核心区对拉筋体积含钢率应不低于0.59%。
关键词:  钢板混凝土墙  钢筋混凝土楼板  连接节点  钢筋连接器  抗剪键
Shear performance of steel-plate concrete wall-reinforced concrete slab connection joint
YU Yue1,SUI Chunguang1,LEI Yongwang2,GUO Quanquan2
(1.China Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation Limited, Beijing 100840, China; 2.School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China)
Modular technology is driving innovation in the design and development of the next generation of nuclear power plants. Steel-plate concrete (SC) structure, characterized by their exceptional working performance and industrial construction efficiency, hold broad application prospects in modular structures. The SC wall-RC slab connection joint serves as a pivotal force transmission element between the SC module structure and the RC structure. and its connection joint design must ensure effective load-transfer performance and the modular construction feasibility. To investigate the shear performance of SC wall-RC slab connection joints, cyclic loading tests were conducted on two ‘thin-wall thick-slab type’ specimens employing different connection methods including rebar-coupler connection and additional shear keys as per GB/T 51340—2018 recommendations. All specimens suffered flexural and shear failure of the RC slab, with the primary failure path being from the loading end to the root of the RC slab. Remarkably, even without shear keys, the connection surfaces met shear resistance requirements. During testing, the straight-threaded rebar sleeves showed no signs of slipping, and neither the rebars nor the weld seams failed. Furthermore, the joint exhibited high ductility coefficients exceeding 4, indicating excellent load transfer behavior for the rebar-coupler connection. This suggests that the rebar-coupler connection can effectively serve as a connection method for SC wall-RC slab joints. However, the core region of the joint was identified as a shear weak zone. To meet full-strength connection design criteria, the volumetric steel ratio of tie-bars in the core region should not fall below 0.59%.
Key words:  steel-plate concrete wall  reinforced concrete slab  connection joint  rebar coupler  shear key