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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

LI Yinxue,CUI Binghan,SHANG Hongru,CAO Yongna,CHENG Zebin,YU Yanling.Quantitative analysis of acidic functional groups content on the surface of biochar[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2025,57(2):65.DOI:10.11918/202311060
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(1.哈尔滨工业大学 郑州研究院,郑州 450000;2.哈尔滨工业大学 化工与化学学院,哈尔滨 150001)
表面官能团是生物炭的重要组成部分,其种类与数量对生物炭的性质、性能和应用有很大影响。现有碳材料表面官能团定量分析主要方法为Boehm滴定法,该方法耗炭量大、操作步骤多、耗时长。为此,通过构建质子消耗模型、编写Python程序、进行酸碱滴定实验、调试模型参数,建立一种微量生物炭表面官能团质量摩尔质量摩尔浓度定量分析方法,能够快速测量微量生物炭的表面官能团质量摩尔浓度与对应的酸解离常数pKa。通过调整参数、训练模型,分析此方法适用的生物炭质量范围,发现测试样品质量为50 mg时模型的均方误差EMS<0.002,迭代次数设置为20 000时模型的EMS<0.001,表明测量结果准确度较高。该方法测定的生物炭表面官能团总量与Boehm滴定法的相对误差在2%以内,且生物炭用量缩减95%、测量时间缩短10 h以上、实验操作步骤大幅简化,满足生物炭表面官能团定量分析微量、快速的技术需求。
关键词:  生物炭  表面官能团  酸碱滴定  定量分析方法
Quantitative analysis of acidic functional groups content on the surface of biochar
LI Yinxue1,CUI Binghan2,SHANG Hongru2,CAO Yongna1,2,CHENG Zebin2,YU Yanling1,2
(1.Zhengzhou Research Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology, Zhengzhou 450000, China; 2.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China)
Surface functional groups are important components of biochar, and their species and content have a great influence on the properties, performance and applications of biochar. Current quantitative analysis methods for surface functional groups in carbon materials is the Boehm titration method with large sample consumption, multiple operation steps and time-consuming procedures. To address these limitations, we developed a quantitative analysis method for mass molar concentration of trace surface functional groups content of biochar by constructing a proton depletion model, writing a Python program, carrying out acid-base titration experiments, and debugging model parameters. This method enables rapid measurement of the surface functional group content and their corresponding acid dissociation constant pKafor trace amounts of biochar. By adjusting parameters and training the model, the mass range of biochar applicable to this method was analyzed. It was found that the EMS of the model was less than 0.002 when the sample mass was 50 mg, and the EMS of the model was less than 0.001 when the iteration number was set to 20 000. This indicates a high level of accuracy of the measurement results. The relative error between the total amount of surface functional groups on biochar determined by this method and the Boehm titration method was within 2%. In addition, this method reduces biochar used by 95%, shortens the measurement time by more than 10 hours, and greatly simplifies the experimental procedures. It meets the technical requirements for micro-trace and rapid quantitative analysis of surface functional groups on biochar.
Key words:  biochar  surface functional groups  acid-base titration  quantitative analysis method