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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 中国材料研究学会
主编 苑世剑 国际刊号ISSN 1005-0299 国内刊号CN 23-1345/TB

JIA Qi,HE Jianping,LI Fang,HUA Xueming.Penetration depth predicition of thin plate plasma arc lap welding based on machine learning[J].Materials Science and Technology,2023,31(4):51-59.DOI:10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20220247.
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(1.上海工程技术大学 材料科学与工程学院,上海201620;2.上海市激光制造与材料改性重点实验室(上海交通大学),上海200240)
关键词:  等离子弧焊  薄板  LabVIEW  视觉传感  SVR  熔深预测
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51775327);工业和信息化部高技术船舶科研计划2020函313号《MARK III型液货围护系统建造工艺与关键技术研究》.
Penetration depth predicition of thin plate plasma arc lap welding based on machine learning
JIA Qi1,HE Jianping1,LI Fang2,HUA Xueming2
(1.College of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620,China;2.Shanghai Key Labs of Laser Manufacturing and Material Modification(Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Shanghai 200240,China)
In plasma arc lap welding, the weld depth of the lap weld head is one of the key indicators to evaluate the welding quality,and both the heat input information and the melt pool image information during the welding process are closely related to the weld depth. In this paper, the data acquisition system of 304L stainless steel sheet plasma arc lap welding was established; the electrical information was detected in real-time by LabVIEW; the visual sensing technology was used to obtain real-time images of the melt pool in the thin plate plasma arc lap welding process, and the geometric parameters information of the melt pool was abtained through image processing methods.A melt depth prediction model based on support vector machine regression and BP neural network was established, combined with the welding process parameters, the selection of peak current, peak voltage, welding speed, ion gas flow, shielding gas flow rate, melt pool width and melt pool back end length as the input quantity, weld depth as the output quantity. Experimental verification shows that the support vector machine regression model using radial basis functions can effectively predict the weld depth of melt and has a good generalization ability, which can provide a basis for further online optimization of welding process parameters.
Key words:  plasma arc welding  thin plate  LabVIEW  visual sensing  SVR  penetration prediction