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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

MA Wen-sheng,MA Wen-sheng,JIAO Ying-hou,DING 2hu-sheng,R. G. KIRK.Effect research of labyrinth seal structure and dynamics parameters[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2012,44(5):58.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2012.05.011
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马文生1,2, 陈照波1, 焦映厚1, 丁竹生2, R.G.Kirk3
针对迷宫密封一转子系统的特点,建立密封一转子系统动力学模型,分析转速、入口预旋比、密封间 隙、压差等重要密封参数对密封动力学特性系数的影响.对三维模型的流体动力学( CFD)进行分析,总结出 密封结构和压差对泄漏量的变化规律,并通过与实验的对比分析验证了本方法的正确性.研究结果表明:减 小密封入口预旋速度,适当增大密封间隙,可以减小引起不稳定的交叉刚度系数,提高稳定性.齿宽存在一个 临界值(1. 04 mm),高于这个临界值时,随着齿宽变大泄漏量变大;低于这个临界值时,随着齿宽变大泄漏量 变小.在相同转速下,随着密封间隙的增大泄漏量增大,压差增大泄漏量增大,腔深增大泄漏量减小
关键词:  迷宫密封  转子动力学  CFD  泄漏量  动力学参数
分类号:V231. 96
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目( 10632040,10872054, 10872055);黑龙江省自然科学基金重点项目 (ZD200905);高等学校博士学科点专项基金资助项 目( 20092302110009)
Effect research of labyrinth seal structure and dynamics parameters
MA Wen-sheng1,2, MA Wen-sheng1, JIAO Ying-hou1, DING 2hu-sheng2, R. G. KIRK3
1.School of Mechatronics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 15001 Harbin, China;2.No. 702 Institute of First Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation 100076 Beijing, China;3.Rotor Dynamics Laboratory, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, 24061 VA , USA
Numerical method is used for solving rotor-seal nonlinear dynamics equation, so that the dynamics effects of whirl speed, pre-whirl, labyrinth seal gap, pressure are investigated, and the leakage effects of seal gap, pressure, labyrinth seal structure are researched. The numerical method is verified to be correct by ex- periments. The results show that reducing pre-whirl and increasing seal gap can reduce the cross-stiffness coef- ficients, and improve stability purposes. There is a critical value of tooth width l. 04 mm, the leakage seal in- creases with the increasing of tooth width when it is more than the critical value, and the leakage seal decrea- ses with the increasing of tooth width when it is less than the critical value. At the same whirl speed, the leak- age increases with the increase of labyrinth seal and pressure, and decreases with the decrease of cavity depth
Key words:  labyrinth seal  rotor dynamics  CFD  leakage  dynamics parameters