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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

CHANG Ying,LU Jindong,JIN Fei,YING Liang,WANG Bin,WANG Cunyu,ZHAO Kunmin.Influence of thermal properties on KIHTC in hot forming[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2015,47(3):97.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2015.03.017
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常颖1,2, 卢金栋2, 靳菲2, 盈亮2, 王斌2, 王存宇3, 赵坤民1,2
(1. 工业装备结构分析重点实验室(大连理工大学), 116024 辽宁 大连; 2. 大连理工大学 汽车工程学院, 116024 辽宁 大连; 3. 钢铁研究总院 特殊钢研究所, 100081 北京)
为探究22MnB5钢板热冲区过程中影响换热强度因素、准确求解KIHTC, 利用Beck反算法,准确求解热成形22MnB5高强钢在冲压淬火过程中的界面换热系数KIHTC, 并分析了模具和样件热物性参数的改变对KIHTC的影响.研究中利用自制圆台试验模型和自主开发的Beck反算法程序,分别通过选取不同模具材料(45号钢、H13钢)的方式和通过选用淬火过程中有马氏体相变的22MnB5钢与无相变的AISI-304不锈钢对比的方式来分别研究模具热物性参数的改变和硼钢淬火马氏体相变过程热物性参数的改变对热成形工艺中KIHTC的影响.分析结果表明:22MnB5钢样件与45号钢模具间的KIHTC要比与H13钢模具间的KIHTC大,其中导热系数的改变对KIHTC的改变起主导作用;马氏体相变的发生,对KIHTC产生正向增益的效果,且增益量约30.2%,同样,相变前后导热系数的差异对KIHTC的改变起主导作用.
关键词:  热成形  界面换热系数  Beck反算法  热物性参数  马氏体相变
Influence of thermal properties on KIHTC in hot forming
CHANG Ying1,2, LU Jindong2, JIN Fei2, YING Liang2, WANG Bin2, WANG Cunyu3, ZHAO Kunmin1,2
(1. State Key Laboratory of Industrial Equipment Structural Analysis(Dalian University of Technology), 116024 Dalian, Liaoning, China; 2. School of Automotive Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, 116024 Dalian, Liaoning China; 3. Institute for Special Steels, Central Iron & Steel Research Institute, 100081 Beijing, China)
To study the factors which can influce the thermal properties of both die and specimen, calculate the Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient(KIHTC) during hot stamping process is very important. A round table test and Beck′s inverse estimation method were used to study the relationship between the thermal properties and the KIHTC. The dies were made of materials with different thermal conductivity and heat capacity. The thermal properties in terms of martensite transformation were obtained by using specimen made of 22MnB5 sheet. Specimen made of stainless steel AISI-304 that does not have martensite transformation during quenching were tested as well for comparison. The results show that the KIHTC between boron steel specimen and die of #45 Steel is larger than that of H13 Steel (approximately twice as much) and the thermal conductivity plays a significant role; the martensite transformation yields a positive gain on KIHTC (approximately by 30.2%) and the change in thermal conductivity before and after phase transformation is a major contributor.
Key words:  hot forming  KIHTC   Beck′s inverse estimation method  thermal physical properties of material  martensite transformation