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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

LIN Deyu,WANG Quan,LIU Jizhao.Energy-saving strategy by combining mobile and static sink schemes for wireless sensor networks[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2016,48(11):162.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2016.11.025
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林德钰, 王泉, 刘伎昭
(西安电子科技大学 计算机学院, 西安 710071)
针对无线传感器网络WSNs(wireless sensor networks)存在的“sink邻居问题”,提出移动与静态sink相结合的节能策略(ESCMS).该策略使静态sink节点位于检测区域的中心,移动sink位于距离静态sink节点一定距离处做快速移动,到达固定站点后停留并采集数据.区域外围节点将感知的数据发送给移动sink, 而区域中心处的节点将感知的数据发送给静态sink,整个监控区域大部分数据由于采用单跳传输方式从而减小节点的能耗.相比于其他的只使用移动sink策略,ESCMS由于静态sink节点的存在可以减小传输距离,从而延长网络生命期并提高了数据吞吐量.在理论分析的基础上证明了ESCMS可以有效地使得网络生命期延长至6倍多.设计并实施了一系列仿真实验,结果表明:使用ESCMS策略与使用静态sink相比,可以将网络生命期延长至6倍,与仅采用移动sink的GMRE策略相比,可以提升50%.
关键词:  无线传感器网络  sink邻居问题  网络生命期  移动sink  节能策略
Energy-saving strategy by combining mobile and static sink schemes for wireless sensor networks
LIN Deyu, WANG Quan, LIU Jizhao
(School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China)
An Energy-saving Strategy by Combining Mobile and Static (ESCMS) sink scheme is proposed focusing on the well-known issue "Sink's Neighbor Problem" existing in Wireless Sensor Networks. The static sink locates at the center of the monitor area, while the mobile sink does fast circle motion centering on the static one with a certain radius and sojourns in the fixed stations to receive packets from its adjacent sensor nodes. The nodes deployed at the edge of the monitor area transmit their sensed data to the mobile sink, while the ones lying in the center send their data to the static sink. Thus the energy consumption is cut down because the data is mostly transmitted via one-hop fashion. Meanwhile, with the help of the static sink, the transmission distance would be reduced compared with other strategies with only mobile sink adopted, thus the lifetime of network is extended and the throughput is increased. ESCMS is proved to be a higher energy-efficient scheme which increases the network lifetime more than sixfold based on theoretical analyses. Extensive simulation experiments are conducted and the comparisons are made. The results show that the lifetime of network is extended approximately to be 6 times as long as that of static sink strategy. Besides, it is prolonged by 50% when being compared with that of a mobile-sink-used-only scheme GMRE.
Key words:  wireless sensor networks  Sink’ neighbor problem  network lifespan  mobile sink  energy-efficient strategy