引用本文: | 秦丽辉,裴玉龙,汪恩良.公交停靠影响下的城市干路通行能力与服务水平[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2017,49(9):90.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201701027 |
| QIN Lihui,PEI Yulong,WANG Enliang.Capacity and LOS of urban arterial road considered the influence of bus stopping[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2017,49(9):90.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201701027 |
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公交停靠影响下的城市干路通行能力与服务水平 |
(1. 东北林业大学 交通运输工程博士后流动站, 哈尔滨150040;2.东北农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 哈尔滨150030;3. 东北林业大学 交通学院, 哈尔滨150040)
摘要: |
为了给城市干路路段实际通行能力计算与服务水平评价提供参考依据,通过开展平行式公交停靠干扰条件下城市干路路段交通调查,分析给出了邻近车道与间隔车道平均行程车速、小客车饱和车头时距随公交停靠数量变化的规律,采用回归分析方法分别构建了相应的关系模型.基于所建理论模型,给出了城市干路路段实际通行能力计算与服务水平评价的平行式公交停靠数量修正系数与阈值建议,并进行了实例验证.研究结果表明,随着平行式公交停靠数量的增加,平均行程车速与小客车饱和车头时距分别降低与增加,均满足二次函数关系.平行式公交停靠数量越多、设计速度越高,实际通行能力的平行式公交停靠数量修正系数越小,说明其对通行能力的影响越大; 在平行式公交停靠数量相同的情况下,邻近车道的修正系数小于间隔车道,说明平行式公交停靠对邻近车道交通运行的影响要大于间隔车道.
关键词: 城市干路 平行式公交停靠 平均行程车速 饱和车头时距 实际通行能力 修正系数 服务水平 |
DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201701027 |
分类号:U491 |
文献标识码:A |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51278158) |
Capacity and LOS of urban arterial road considered the influence of bus stopping |
QIN Lihui1,2,PEI Yulong1,3,WANG Enliang2
(1. Post-doctoral Station of Transportation Engineering,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China; 2. School of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China; 3. Scholl of Traffic, Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China)
Abstract: |
In order to provide reference for possible capacity calculation and LOS (Level of Service) evaluation of urban arterial road segment, traffic survey was conducted under the interruption of parallel bus stopping. The changing rules of average travel speed and cars' saturated headway with the number of parallel stopping bus were analyzed, and the models between them were established respectively by the regression method. Based on established models, suggested adjustment factors and thresholds of the number of parallel stopping bus were given to calculate possible capacity and evaluate LOS of urban arterial road segment, and a case study was conducted. It shows that average travel speed decreases and cars' saturated headway increases with the raise of the number of parallel stopping bus and there are quadratic function relations between them. The more the number of parallel stopping bus is and the higher road design speed is, the less adjustment factor is, so the influence of parallel bus stopping on road capacity is greater. When the number of parallel stopping bus are the same, adjustment factor of adjacent lane is more than that of interval lane, so the influence of parallel bus stopping on traffic operation of adjacent lane is greater than that of interval lane.
Key words: urban arterial road parallel bus stopping average travel speed saturated headway possible capacity adjustment factor LOS |